I’m Sochipem Kashak and this is my Iwui Story

Sochipem Kashak

I’m Sochipem Kashak from Zingsui Village, Manipur, married to Apenao Kashak. God has gifted us with wo beautiful sons, Saingayai Zack and Chansam Kashak.

I came to Delhi on 15th July, 2007. I was late for college admission. The little amount of money I brought got over in few days. I couldn’t ask home for money, I knew they had none. There were lots of things going on in my mind. Deep inside my heart I was sure of God’s promises. Every evening I went up to the terrace and prayed to God to show me what he wanted me to do in Delhi.

Soon, one day, a job vacancy for western music teacher at DPS Dwarka, New Delhi opened up. I promptly applied. Among many qualified candidates, I got selected. This moment was like a dream for me. I knew God was working. When I got in, there were a number of challenges in the new environment initially but God’s favour was always upon me. Praise God!

By the grace of God, in 2009 I was selected as one of the 16 teachers from India to join the Global teachers training conducted by Carnegie hall in Manhattan, New York City which was sponsored by the State Government.

Teaching is always fun and there’s a lot it can offer during the course. The biggest gift God instilled in me is loving children, students and people around me. Every bit of them become part of my life. I am still learning. Among many of my work experiences, bringing biblical values in our workplace make things very relevant and effective.

This is the most difficult part for me to share, but I think this would encourage some of you, so let me share. I have never liked exams and competition but last year (2015), after so many years of teaching music I thought I should give it a try, hence I gave my first Vocal Music Exam (Grade 8) at Trinity College London. God was gracious again, I scored the top mark from all over India and on 5th of February, 2016 I was honoured with an award certificate for “Excellence in Teaching” from Rockschool London. I give all glory to God for his favour upon me.

Also read: Iwui Story: I have failed and made lots of mistakes, but I have learned to always come back

Just before I conclude, I want to leave encouraging words. Wherever and whatever jobs we are into, let’s be content and thankful to God because God has a purpose for placing us in our respective positions. Let’s ask wisdom from God everyday. Even if our resume may not be good enough for hiring, God will surely qualify us in better position given that we believe in Him. I am humbled by His goodness and generosity everyday.

We can glorify God with everything we do. Prosperity and success will come along.

I am currently a worship leader at Dwarka Community Church, New Delhi and a music coach at Delhi Public School Dwarka and Bridge Music Academy. I live each day by faith, thanking God for His unending grace and provision. For everything that I have become today, I owe to God and to the people who have loved me, helped me and encouraged me. Thank you for reading.

I’m Sochipem Kashak and this is my story. God bless you all.

#IwuiStory is a segment aimed to add tremendous life’s values and richness of human compassion through intimate stories of other people’s life experiences, adjoining a ‘reflective piece’ for each readers as the story present themselves with its richness of wisdom, of failures, achievements, tears, of joy, love and affection. A wholesome piece of life lessons and reflections. Look out for this space #IwuiStory

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