An illustrated book of international proverbs, titled “Birds, Beasts, and Blooms,” compiled and illustrated by Dr. Senganglu Thaimei, was launched in an online event...
Book description
(From the back cover of the book)
A powerful collection of poems that shed light on the overlooked and marginalized members of society, from...
Delhi: In what can be called an intellectual stimulation and enriching event, the Tangkhul Naga Society Delhi joined forces with the Tangkhul Scholars Association...
HEADSPACE: The Mind's Realm, published by Hawakal publishers is a collection of evocative poems by a husband-wife duo: Aaron Pamei, and Achingliu Kamei.
A local linguist, Dr. Sahiinii L. Veikho, is working to resolve community conflicts, through his research works, that arise due to language variation. Two...
The first grammar of Poumai Naga language (Poula) is published by Brill (Leiden, Netherlands), one of the world's finest academic publishers. The book is...