Asufii Christian Institute

Indigenous Ecology and Pedagogy Program held at historic Naga village of Makhel

August 6: Asufii Christian Institute (ACI) and University of California, Santa Cruz organised a two-day program titled Lithic Worlds: Indigenous Ecology and Pedagogy at...

SDSA continues ‘Combat Against Drugs’ campaign at ACI, Mao

Senapati: Spreading awareness on “Drug Abuse” under the banner “Say No to Drugs: Building a Drug-Free District," the Senapati District Students Association (SDSA) continues with...

NSF Federal Assembly to be held in Senapati on Sep 18

Federating units and the subordinate bodies of the Naga Students’ Federation (NSF) will hold its first federal assembly for the tenure 2021-2023 at Asufii...

No adjectives in Mao language, A One-Day Webinar on Mao language

A One-Day Webinar on Mao language, aimed to promote and develop Maola will be conducted on the 11th of June 2021, organised by Asufii...

Nagas are not ‘Mongoloid race’; Prof George van Driem to lecture in ‘Makhel Lecture Series 2021’

A Rolex award winner, Prof Dr George van Driem, along with Dr Jelle J P Wouters, will lecture in the event  ‘Makhel Lecture Series,...

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