Monday, October 7, 2024


Dr Sahiinii L Veikho

A local linguist interviewed by Brill publisher for his work to bring peace in the community

A local linguist, Dr. Sahiinii L. Veikho, is  working to resolve community conflicts, through his research works, that arise due to language variation. Two...

First Poumai Naga (Poula) Grammar published

The first grammar of Poumai Naga language (Poula) is published by Brill (Leiden, Netherlands), one of the world's finest academic publishers. The book is...

No adjectives in Mao language, A One-Day Webinar on Mao language

A One-Day Webinar on Mao language, aimed to promote and develop Maola will be conducted on the 11th of June 2021, organised by Asufii...

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