Noney: The villagers of Taobam, located in Noney District, have announced an indefinite economic blockade along National Highway 37 (Imphal-Jiribam Road) starting at midnight...
Senapati: The Senapati District Truck Owners Association has appealed to the concerned authorities to repair the damaged bridge and stretch of road along NH-2...
Newmai News Network
Kohima: The Naga People’s Front (NPF) has expressed its deepest anguish over the rockslide tragedy along Kohima-Dimapur 4 lane near Chumoukedima that...
Imphal: Normal vehicular movement along NH-37 in Imphal West district section was disrupted on Tuesday after residents blocked the highway in protest against deplorable...
Ukhrul, Jan 25: A long overdue inspection of Imphal to Ukhrul road was finally conducted by the MLAs and the Ukhrul administrators on Wednesday.
Ukhrul: The Hunphun Ukhrul Village Authority (HUVA) wrote to deputy commissioner Ukhrul on Tuesday in connection with National Highway 102A Ukhrul bypass road and...
Ukhrul: The Movement for Development of Ukhrul Town Road (NH-102A) has expressed appreciation to the proposed expansion of the National Highway of Ukhrul-Talui-Tadubi under...
Senapati: The Senapati District Students Association together with student leaders of Mao Students Union (MSU), Maram Students Union (MKS), Poumai Naga Students Union (PNTM),...
Ukhrul/Kamjong: Construction of road for expansion of National Highway-202 (Imphal to Ukhrul), starting from Yangangpokpi till Finch Corner is not progressing despite complaints by...