Podcast with IJ Makan: Kazingram Dialogue


UT Features | Toronto, July 18: Watch IJ Makan in conversation with Dr Jennifer Hart Weed on Philosophy of Science and Human nature. Dr Jennifer is associate Professor of Philosophy at the University of New Brunswick. The podcast is joined by Amos Dowber, theologian & philosopher, also the editor of Kazingram Dialogue.

Kazingram Dialogue is a digital magazine and podcast. In an age of microaggression and political correctness, Kazingram Dialogue exists to have honest conversations with the sharpest minds on neuroscience, religion, philosophy, and culture. Kazingmei Dialogue strongly believe ideas can positively change the world and that truth transcends culture and time. For this reason, we chose the word Kazingram meaning heaven in Tangkhul.

Kazingram Dialogue podcast is available on all iTunes, Spotify, Google podcast, and all major platforms.

Join I.J. Makan in thoughtful conversations with the brightest minds in neuroscience, religion, philosophy, and culture.

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