Phungchamnao Ranreiphi Kharei: They are dead; but they live in each Patriot’s breast, And their names are engraven on honor’s bright crest.
~Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

The untimely death of any young Naga is a tragedy but it is even more so when the enemy murders them with deceit. These young flowers of the Lim could have become anything but they chose to serve the Nation and even if your deaths were caused by betrayal your names are etched in the annals of Naga history.

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Photo: Assorted pics

It is now up to our leaders and people to honour their deaths by not allowing our enemies no matter how strong to feel what we feel in pain today or you too dishonour our martyrs.

A patriots blood is the seed of freedoms tree and on this day the blood of our hero’s has just planted countless seeds around the land of the Nagas that will pick up where they left of.

The loss of our fallen heroes deeply sadden us. We are equally painful for such demise. Our deepest condolences to the bereaved families, near, and dear ones. May God give you the strength to bear the pain.

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Photo: Hao Graphy

We could not find words to express how much we are are greatfull for their noble sacrifice. Nothing can repay your contribution for our Naga Nation but we would like to give a sum of 4,64,083.57/- (Fund raise initiated by Daniel Yangya, Markson Luikham, Esay Yangya and Shak Pk) to the bereaved families as a token of love and gratitude to them for their sacrifice and to all our National workers for defending our Motherland. We are with you!

Thank you for giving your son when the nation need the most.

May our fallen heroes soul Rest in Peace!

With Love from
Tangkhul Well Wishers

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