Ningreishang Crowned Chatric new Headman

UT DeskNewsUkhrul3 years ago

Ukhrul Times

AS. Ningreishang was crowned the new headman of Chatric village in the presence of Tangkhul Naga Wungnao Long, Tangkhul Naga Zingsho Longphang, Sambu Raiping Long, areas headmen, students’ leaders, friends, well wishers and villagers.

AS. Ningreishang who was the eldest son of the outgoing headman was handed over the village customary helm of affairs by his father AS. Maiyo. He had reigned the village for 40 years. He relinquished his title over poor health conditions. Villagers, VA, Church, Women League and Youth hailed AS. Maiyo reign as “chaos free”, and urged the new headman to follow his father footsteps.

Sharing exclusively to Ukhrul Times, the newly crowned Headman said that cooperation to the villagers and Tangkhul bodies would be his priority.

Speaking at the occasion, SA. Ramnganing, president Tangkhul Naga Wungnao Long (TNWL) who attended as the chief guest stated that the hardships of running a local governance and administration were known by the headmen. Giving grand platforms to the customary heads may seem like an oomph factor but it doesn’t work that way. “The running of local governance should be a shared and collective responsibilities of the entire villagers and not necessarily limited to village authorities. Only when each of us perform our due roles, then, can we expect the smooth and efficient running of the administration which is missing in our villages today.

“May you be the kind of leader that people could recognize even at distance because of your benevolent gesture towards your people,” he stated referring to the newly crowned headman.

Driving home the prevailing undercurrents in the community today, he lamented that from close knit family feuding and laying claims over the throne of headmanship to inter villages and intra villages fighting over boundaries, our place has become for and against outpourings in the watertight compartment – a battles of dissenting voice, and call upon the headmen and citizens to do some serious soul searching and speedy redressal from the ails surrounding us today collectively.

“The contemporary trajectory and challenges facing the Tangkhul villages today is just a tip of an iceberg. “A time is riped for every stakeholders to unitedly join hands and rebuilt the broken pieces because what boomerang later would be our own loss.”

Meanwhile the president of the Tangkhul chiefs body also lauded the Chatric neighbouring Kuki villages headmen who had not only turned up and show their solidarity but had extended their support and encouragement which according to him is a mature sign of peaceful coexistence and urged others to emulate the good examples set by the Kuki brethren.

He also urged the kuki chiefs of the area not to reopen the pandora box of yesteryears again rather bridge the gap and live unitedly as one like what they had exemplified today.

The chief of the Tangkhul headmen body’s also appreciated the “clean environment consciousness” of the Chatric village saying that not a single piece of plastic materials were found scattered in the river side unlike the Raphei area where environmentally harmful materials disposed in the Rangatak river rolled down the northern rivers and rivulets as raining season hit the district thereby polluting the environment.

Ramnganing was speaking at the 40th headmanship anniversary cum coronation grand event at Chatric village on Friday. He was accompanied by the body’s general secretary, Kaphaoleng Angkang, and representative Rungshing who is also the headman of Leishi.

Prior to handing over the crown to his son, visibly emotional yet beaming Chatric headman AS. Maiyo in his last speech as headman stated that there was no chaos and uproar in my 40 years as headman. “I love my village so much, however, due to my poor health I decided to relinquish my position and handover to my son.

The outgoing headman had reigned the village as headman since 1980 to 2021 ( till March 26 afternoon).
He adviced his son to reign with peace and attend to the needs of the villagers just like he had ruled in his time with active support and prayer from my benevolent subjects.

Joshua Konghar, Chairman Tangkhul Naga Zingsho Longphang (TNZL), who attended as the guests of honour exerted that selection of headmen lies in the hands of Almighty God and appealed the villagers to give their full cooperation to the headman and prayed that the new headman lived a long life and served the people with justice as happiness of the villagers comes when Headman rule with justice.

Lungshim Kasar, SRL president who also attended as the guest of honour said, “Today is a historic moment for the people of Chatric and the areas. As we aged, change of guard is also inevitable so let’s embrace the change.

Meanwhile the Chatric bodies including the Chatric Village Authority, the Chatric Baptist Church, the Chatric woman league, the Chatric Katamnao Long and the Chatric Baptist Women and youth society had hailed the outgoing headman reigned as just and peaceful.

As part of the anniversary and coronation event, a young cultural troupe from Maokot, a Chatric neighbouring Kuki village and Chatric Katamnao Long (CKL)
presented a beautiful cultural dance.

Special numbers from Tangkhul artist Ngathingpam, and Frank Rungsung – a local artist enthralled and light up the mood of the spectators amidst the scorching heat.

Chatric Yorla (native women who married off to non-native) who were invited for the first time to the village total program after a span of decades were given a spear of the same size and brand by the outgoing Headman.

Yorla also presented a well meaning special song in honoured of the outgoing and incoming Headman.

The coronation programme was attended by the TNWL, TNZL, SRL, SKL, areas headmen, neighbouring Kuki villages including Maokot, Langchah, Cmoleng, Gambal , Kachouphung K, National leaders, Special bureau chief Ukhrul, yorla, commandant Chatric Assam Rifle post, areas leaders, friends and well wishers.
The day-long anniversary and coronation dé affairs program was moderated by Ramsing Kashak and AS. Rangam.

Post -coronation, as part of their back-to-back official spring touring and to extend their solidarity with the struggling neighbouring Myanmar’s civilians that had been facing the brunt of the Junta aggression in the wake of Junta’s coup that had claimed many innocent civilians lives – the Tangkhul Music Forum reached out to the afflicted people through music as they rocked the night with their undying music hits much to the delight of the eastern border villages.

Situated at extreme east, Chatric is famous for its fame, Sivathei – Naga king chilly, (U-marok) and Angko Kaphung (peak) – the natural home of many wild species

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