The delicate peace of Manipur hangs by a thread, as recent provocations signal the potential emergence of a dangerous tri-party conflict beyond the longstanding...
AS ETHNIC tensions continue to simmer in Manipur, there is rising concern over the monopolization of government power and bureaucracy by the Kuki community,...
Newmai News Network
Imphal: A book "Unscrambled: Loisilakbo Duiliu Chamsing" written by Z Kenkhamliu Niumai was launched by Mathiuchunbou Rimai, president, LNKR (M) on June 6...
Tamenglong: Thoubenliu Kalengta, a Liangmai Naga student from Tamenglong district who excelled in the recently declared Class 12 exam results by securing 95 marks...
Newmai News Network
Tamenglong: The Liangmai Naga Council, Manipur (LNC-M), the apex organisation of Liangmai Naga tribe, in its half yearly meeting held on October...
Imphal: The Liangmai Naga Council of Eastern Zone (LNC -EZ), the Eastern Liangmai Chief Chairman Association (ELCCA) and the Ahangruak Chief Chairman Association (ACCA)...