Ukhrul town wears different look as movement of commuters turn downward

District police show no sign of retreat as it relentlessly continues to carry laid down SOPs for the public in a bid to restore the prevailing situation to new normal.


The often crowded market scene in the district headquarters wore a totally different look as days of panic buying and who cares attitude have seen shift in public attitude towards Covid appropriate behaviour.

From town to villages, changes in behaviour are slowly seen as people begin to adapt to the new lifestyle, something which was missing in the first wave of Covid in 2020.

From regular hand wash to keeping the house and locality surrounding clean, a new wave of cleanliness has slowly but surely made wave in the lives of the district populace.

A youth from the village said, “though I hate corona for halting all the outdoor activities that I previously used to enjoy with my peers, I am grateful for the often ignored positive changes it has brought in the way we live, eat and socialise. The urgency with which it has made us maintain absolute personal hygiene in our daily lives and usher us towards clean environment approaches is what I admire and love the most.”

Sharing his thoughts on the prevailing situation, Awor from Khamphasom tang Ukhrul said “lately I hardly venture out from the confines of my home because I can’t put the life of my entire family at jeopardy. Each life is precious; live and let let live is the need of the hour before things go back to normal. I am adjusting with the new lifestyle. Step out if it’s absolutely necessary,” he said.

Meanwhile, four patients were discharged and 11 positive cases were detected on Friday while total active remains at 142.

Of the 142 total active cases , 11 are at district hospital isolation ward, 61 at transit CCC, another 68 at ITI community isolation centre and one each at Jessami community isolation centre and Litan community isolation centre.

The district cumulative positive stands at 569, of which 334 are male and 235 are female, according to DSO Ukhrul.

The district headquarters situation, however, remain normal and peaceful as less commuters hit the township markets.

At Wino Bazaar, only few shops were found open as most of the shop owners were found to be Covid positive, a police source said.

The district police forces have been relentlessly performing their mandated duties in order to ensure that public are made to strictly follow the laid down Covid SOPs and the spread of the disease is prevented .

In what could be a sign of positive development for the district populace, the district magistrate Ukhrul has revoked 19 residents from the containment zone as all the family members have been retested and found negative.

While two residents have been declared containment zone. They are V. Tamshimphi daughter of Sochipem at Litan Sareikhong and late Khathingla YL wife of Hope YL at Hamleikhong block-A and Kaziphung Hungpung.

As sowing season begin, villagers busy themselves in the fields working for the year long stock to support and feed their children amid pandemic.

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