MY DEAR BROTHERS and sisters of Manipur: let us join the fight “War on Drugs” initiated by our Honourable CM. My humble appeal to our Honourable CM and the team is to include Ju (Alcohol) in the ‘War on Drugs’.
Many of both the hill and the plain people are indulging in activities which are destroying families, and lives and causing irreparable damage to the environment and to the next generation.
Many young and old, men and women have lost their lives due to drugs and alcohol. Many happy homes are destroyed by drugs and alcohol. Many young and loving couple’s divorce due to drugs and alcohol. Many children have become orphans because of drugs and alcohol. Many women have become widows because of drugs and alcohol. Many men have become widowers because of drugs and alcohol. Many parents have lost their children because of drugs and alcohol.
Both are evils for our society. If we do not join hands to fight against these two evils, our next generation will be wiped out. This is not the time to play the blame game because our present and next generation are at stake. Our common enemy is the social evils like drugs, alcohol etc.
These evils are increasing day by day because of our love for money, wealth and power. While we are busy accusing one another and breaking the unity to fight against these evils, our young people are getting addicted and their lives are snubbed out in the prime of their youth. What is going to happen to our beloved state if we do not build up our youth who are the pillars of society?
Parents have a great role to play in this fight against the addiction and moulding of their children. When parents take up their responsibilities and spend time with their children and teach them moral and ethical values at home, and practice what they preached, the youngsters can abstain from all these evils. Parents should monitor and guide what their children are watching on their devices.
Schools should emphasised and reinforce the moral values in the school. Without the fabric of moral values, our society will become chaotic and lawless.
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Any activities destroying human lives are not to be encouraged. Government and police and excise should not give free hands to the people who make local alcohol illegally and grow poppies.
Both are evil for the people of Manipur and it is our utmost appeal to the government of Manipur especially honourable Chief Minister Biren Singh to also include “War on Alcohol” along with “War on Drugs”.
Let us stop blaming one another. Instead let us all join our hands and fight the spread of drugs and alcohol together for the good of the home, society and future generations since both of them are evil in the eyes of God and also to the human being. Both destroy life and many happy homes. Every day because of alcohol many men and women, young and old lost their lives due to accidents or fights.
Many happy homes are destroyed by alcohol and many divorces due to alcohol. Many people lost their job because of alcohol. Many people become poor because of alcohol. Domestic violence and abuse increase due to alcohol.
Poppy cultivation has destroyed the environment which is not good for human beings, birds and animals. Poppy cultivation does not give space to trees and any kinds of grass to grow. One of the most dangerous effects is brought about by the use of chemicals used to kill grasses. The plants planted in this soil mixed with the chemicals are toxic for human consumption. This also leads to soil erosion and destroys the environment more. The government as well as the CSOs and the public must join hands to stop poppy cultivation as soon as possible.
My humble appeal to the general public of Manipur is -let us not waste our time, money and resources accusing one another but let us keep our eyes on the goal- ‘A safe environment free from drugs, alcohol and intoxicants for the next generation’. The urgent need is to support the government’s fight against Drugs.
With due respect I would like to appeal to the Honourable CM once again to add Alcohol to the Slogan and make it–‘WAR ON DRUGS AND ALCOHOL.’
Letlal Haokip is a Pastor based in Delhi.