A prayer for the ongoing crucial Core Committee Meetings with NNPGs and NSCN-IM


For friends away from the centre of the action, there have been political developments here and the next few days will unfold the effects. To many Nagas who are Pro political parties and partisans, the declaration of the NPF to join the ruling alliance has come as a rude shock as can be seen from unsavoury comments, since the declaration. Leaving political gurus and predictions aside, we as a Global Naga Forum, working for Nagas in all our lands within and beyond borders, well aware of Naga rights and history, need to calmly analyse the need for peace, an accord and hopefully a settlement in the future.

Yesterday’s closed-door meeting of the Core Committee with the NNPGs seems to have been positive and we are hopeful. Today is a crucial meeting with the IM, the toughest negotiators that the GOI has faced, at the Chumukedima Police Complex. As peacekeepers of our lands, let us say a word of prayer that the following days will herald a new beginning for Nagas to be united and speak as one people.

This reconciliation process has taught us that Nagas has formed our own strategy to reconcile differences and bring peace to our people. The best facilitators are these elected representatives because they share an unspoken bond with the different Naga political groups. Whether in the tribe organisations, human rights defenders, Naga Reconciliation, Naga women organizations, etc., those of us have walked the extra miles for peace to where we are today.

We can only pray that the merciful God who has kept our Nation alive for decades, will touch the hearts of all these leaders, in the successive meetings to think of the possibilities of the larger Naga interest at this most critical time.


Global Naga Forum, Co-convenor Professor Rosemary Dzuvichu

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