Ato Longphang President, RKL President & General Secretaty Tours Raphei Range

File photo: NH 202 road reparing in between Razai and Kharasom. (Ukhrul Times)

During these time of COVID-19 pandemic when many people prefer to stay indoor for safety, Ato Longphang Chaiman Dearson Chamroy, Raphei Katamnao Long President Somipam Vashum, and his General Secretary Rewardee, has toured the Raphei Range from Langdang to Kharasom.

Unlike the other times, the Raphei roads were deserted and only few villagers can be seen. “We reached Ngahui Junction enjoying the serenity of nature, the chirping of the birds, and the vibe of the calm and lovely country,” said Somipam Vashum.

Seth Kasomwoshi, the Ngahui COVID-19 Convener was seen keeping strict eye to maintain the SOP. Vehicles were only allowed to ply with permit and were not allowed to pass unnecessarily.

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The site in between Razai and Kharasom.

The team called the President of Razai katamnao Long (Razai Student Union), President of Kharasom katamnao Long (Kharasom Student Union), and Village authority who joined with them and inspected the ongoing road repairing of NH 202.

Also read: RKL observes World Environment Day 2021 distributing tree saplings to its units

On reaching the worksite Nelson Ronra, Presdient of Kharasom Mayar Ngala Long along with his village elders and Ninghthem Vashum, President of Razai Katamnao Long along with youth members, Lansing Zimik and Worshang Zimik welcomed them.

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The Team: (From L-R) Ningthem, Dearson, Nelson, Somipam, Rewardee, Lansing & Esau paused for a lens after the inspection of NH 202.

“We check the ongoing work quality such as the breadth and thickness of the road. We found out that the road was supposed to be 12 ft width but only 11 ft was done. So we called the contractor’s incharge and workers to deliver the work diligently,” concludes Somipam.

Phungchamnao Ranreiphi Kharei

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