DHS, Senapati observes 37th National Eye Donation Fortnight at Senapati

Senapati: The District Health Society, Senapati observed 37th National Eye Donation Fortnight at District Hospital, Senapati under the theme, “Let your eyes live on.” The observation was graced by Dr. Pfokreho Pfoze, CMO/Director, District Health Society, Senapati as the chief guest and Dr. M. Sokha, Medical Superintendent, District Hospital, Senapati as the guest of honour respectively. The event was organised by the National Program for Control of Blindness and Visual impairment, Senapati District, National Health Mission.

In her welcome note, Elizabeth RK, DPM, NHM, Senapati stated that the day was observed to spread the awareness about how importance is one’s eyes and how one should take care of them by subject experts.

Dr. Y. Jennifer Nane, DNO, NPCB & VI, Senapati in her keynote stated that the 15 days observation was aimed at to spread the awareness about how important is one to donate eyes. In India, 2.5 lakhs become cornea blind every year but only 50,000 cornea donations were available in the country with around 2 lakhs live with cornea blindness. Lack of awareness among people had reportedly led to lack of eye donations till date. Anyone willing to donate eyes can take a pledge to donate their eyes after death in order to give sight to people living with cornea blindness. Eye screening camp was reportedly organised at Maram in the past as part of the observation.

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Dr. Rita Chanu, Ophthalmologist, District Hospital, Senapati stated that eye donations only means to donate the cornea layer and not the whole eye ball after death. Other treatable eye diseases can be treated or operated whereas, cornea blindness can only be transplanted through donations from other people. Having taken the pledge to donate one’s cornea, one can ask one’s relative to donate their cornea after death where the doctors can come and collect them.

Dr. M. Sokha, Medical Superintendent, District Hospital, Senapati in her speech stated that the observation was organised to give awareness to the people where anyone can donate their eyes after death to give sight to other people. People can become cornea blindness after injury in the cornea if proper care is not taken. 1% out of 150 who are infected with cornea infection becomes blind. There is reportedly so much demand for cornea to give eye sight. If all dead people could donate their corneas of their eyes, the Medical Superintendent said that there would be no blind through transplantation.

Speaking as the chief guest, Dr. Pfokreho Pfoze, CMO/Director stated that with advancement of Science and technology, different organs transplantations can be taken up whereas, only cornea can be transplanted in the eyes. Not while alive but only when one dies can be donated the cornea to give eye sight to other people. As given in the theme, “Let your eyes live on,” “Donate your eyes to help someone see,” the CMO asks all to donate their eyes after death so as to let their eyes live on by passing on to someone even when one dies. 1-70 years of age are stated to be eligible to donate eyes. With lack of awareness among people, the CMO stated for lack of donations from others.

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