Fall for the Fall

Photo: Reisang Shimray

Oh, Fall! Thou art too easy on the eyes

With the crunch of russet leaves underfoot.

What sweet flaming leaves! Enthralled by the bise,

That force thine to dilly-dally afoot.


October! Thou maketh mine days so vibrant,

Gazing thee every morn is mine best-loved.

Thou hugged the hills dear and make mine heart pliant,

Never have thou left no heartstrings unmoved.


Fall! Thou gave a gay brown last but kindly.

Nothing falls so tame like thy tanned falling.

Race of thy countless yellow flows gently.

Thy fairly bracing, but too arresting.


Ah! Thou cosmic fall, I sigh to thy grace.

Mine brittle bosom falls for thee with praise.


  Sabina Sangzela


About the poem:- It’s a poem about fall. The poet shows her amicable connection with the season. It is a sonnet written in Iambic Pentameter with rhyming pattern ABAB.


LitWeekend invites short stories, folklores, poems and anecdotes with objectives of instilling reading culture, promoting literary and aesthetic creativity, besides honing aspiring writers of our region.

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Literature Weekend: Ukhrul Times

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