GNF sends relief materials to fire ravaged Naga village in Myanmar

UT DeskNewsMyanmar1 year ago

(Photo: Global Naga Forum)

Kohima: The Global Naga Forum in a statement said it has sent a relief mission to help the fire ravaged Naga village of Kaishan Lungchan village in Myanmar on Monday, May 22.

According to GNF, a truckload of relief materials consisting of rice and essential items, blankets, utensils, clothes were transported to the last border Chop village in Longing district of Arunachal.

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The relief materials were received by the Raja of Kaishan Lungchan village and six leaders of the Village council who arrived at Chop on foot. The affected village collected all the relief materials on foot the next dayas there is no motorable road to their village from this border closest to them, GNF informed.

Global Naga Forum expressed its gratitude to the donors for helping them sent in the 5th Relief Mission to Nagas in Myanmar. GNF said it is grateful to the Fellowship of Naga Baptist Association, St. Josephs Church, Viswema, PNBA, Honble MLA Ram Muivah.

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“Our gratitude to the Raja of Chop village for facilitating and hosting the relief team, Pastor Pongwang of the Tangshang Baptist Fellowship and the President, ‘Tangshang Students Union, ENSA, former Home Minister James Wanglat for coordinating logistics and helping us in the Relief Mission, GNF further added.

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