Mapithel New-Gen Farmer’s Club cries out for not sanctioning of KCC

Ukhrul: The rural farmer’s community of Chadong Village area in a statement said it is practicing traditional farming from time immemorial.

With consultant to experts of governmental departments such as Agriculture, Horticulture, Fisheries, ICAR, CAU, and other farmers communities, they had decided to work with KVK/ ICAR and NABARD for sustainable livelihood in farming and also to upgrade modern farming practice, according to the press statement given by N. Shaiza, chief coordinator Mapithel Newgen Farmers Club, Chadong Village.

Under the guidelines of NABARD and KVK and MSCB, a farmers club was established for bringing all farmers under one umbrella or organization.

The statement said, Mapithel New-gen Farmers Club has been organizing many training or awareness programs in villages. Recently, a One-day awareness cum training program on scientific piggery farming was conducted at Community Hall Lamlai Khunou Village on December 20, 2021. The program was supported by Manipur Progressive Piggery Farmer Association (MAPPFA) and sponsored by Ningreingam Kashung, vice president, Kisan Morcha, and BJP Manipur Pradesh. Scientific Piggery farming and disease management was covered in the 1st session by Veterinary Dept. / ICAR. Then Modern Piggery Farming in reference to Hill District was spoken by Pipi Keithelpam, Info and Publicity Secretary M/S Keithrlakpam Piggery Farm.

At the end of the program, the farmers had interaction with N. Loken, president MAPPF, and L. Vidyasagar, joint. secy. MAPPFA.

“Officials from concerned bank (MSCB) with KVK, NABARD have visited and inspected the farms and the activities for more than 5 times with assurance of Kisan Cash Credit (KCC) loan of Rs 25,000 to 35,000 (a nominal loan amount)”, said N. Shaiza. However, none of the KCC loan assurance has been sanctioned nor implemented”, he added.

“I on behalf of farmer’s club/farmers community would like to consider a farmers plight and grievances at the earliest,” the statement added.

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