Mizoram University wins big in Times Higher Education Impact Rankings 2021

Photo: Mizoram University

The Ministry of Education Friday announced the ranks of Times Higher Education Impact Rankings 2021.

Mizoram University secured 21st in India and 1st rank in Northeast region under the Impact Rankings 2021. The Ministry said that universities were assessed across 17 parameters listed under Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) on quality education, gender equality, industry, innovation and infrastructure etc.

The central university established in 2001 will be 20 years old in July 2, 2021. It was earlier run as Mizoram campus under North Eastern Hill University (NEHU).

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Mizoram University:

Mizoram University has bagged a rank in the band of 601-800 out of 1115 institutions selected globally for the Overall International THE Rankings. Mizoram University is the only University, which has figured in World Rank from Northeast. Mizoram University has secured Ranks in 06 out of 17, United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Out of all the SDGs, in SDG- 9, on Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure Mizoram University hits the top among 101-200 Ranking.There are 17 SDGs as part of the United Nations (UN’s) 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

The London based, World’s most reputed rankings organization THE (Times Higher Education) has released the World Impact Rankings 2021. The Rankings assess the institutions basing on research output, outreach and stewardship in delivering against the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDG’s). This helps as a blueprint to achieve a better and more sustainable development for Institutions in future.

Mizoram University, Vice-Chancellor Prof.K. R. S. Sambasiva Rao said that he has been elated by the result amidst the Covid crisis in the whole world.

“It’s our staff, along with students, who are working tirelessly with colleagues around the world, with industry, community and with government to achieve these ranks. I’m elated that the University has bagged 7thranks among different categories in the impact rankings 2021, given by the prestigious times higher education. The University is recognized and acknowledged with this ranking” stated the Vice Chancellor. Further, he added that Mizoram University has achieved another mile stones in the academic pursuits and excellence. It is a great pride for the University and Mizoram State as well.

The Pro-Vice-Chancellor, Registrar, Finance Officer, Controller of Examinations, and other Statutory Officers, Ranking incharge Prof. Diwakar Tiwari, Principal of Constituent Campus, Deans and other administrative staff of the University extended their greetings on this occasion. It may be further mentioned that Mizoram University has ranked 67th in National Institutional Ranking Frame Work (NIRF) of Government of India announced in June, 2020.

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