Naga Scholars’ Association next edition of webinar will begin from November 26th – 28th 2020.
Concept Note: Living in the present implies an awareness and sensitivity to the current developments in the 21st century. It also means envisioning ways in which constructive dialogues take into consideration ways of reflecting on the past, understanding the present, and working towards a shared future together. It is a combination of these collective strategies which will equip an indigenous society in transition, like the Naga people, to overcome the challenges we face. The purpose of this NSA’s International Webinar is to engage Nagas throughout the world in conversation on the state of the Naga people in the first quarter of the 21st century.
Nagas experienced globalization and militarization simultaneously. This has meant sorting and coping with constant changes: Sorting the changes that impinge upon Naga core values from those that enrich and expand us as a people; and coping with the differences that the rapid changes have brought about among us. So what constitutes a shared Naga identity today? How do we define Naga cultural values? And how do we negotiate from among the rich diversity of traditions, values we cherish and consider worthy of inculcating in the present and carrying forward into the future? In a similar vein, how do we contextualize and unpack the material and political realities of the present? What conceptual grid, structural model of political economy, or system of ethical responsibility and accountability can we reach for in these challenging times? Further, in an age and a world coming apart from the strains of extreme inequalities and environmental crisis, are there choices for indigenous societies, including the Nagas, other than to join the ranks of neo-liberalism’s global workforce? Do traditional Naga society and cultures offer better alternatives?
This conference invites Naga researchers, thinkers, and practitioners to share their work and reflections on these and other related challenges facing Naga society and local communities in the 21stcentury. NSA seeks to bring active scholars and thinkers in meaningful dialogue with one another, in hopes of finding interdisciplinary solutions to existing problems and brainstorming innovative pathways to the future. We invite works of analysis, interpretation, creative conceptual frameworks, and implementation blueprints from across the disciplines on the challenges of the Naga society including, but not limited to, the following: Government Programmes & Policies, Political Economy, Quality Education, Climate Change, Gender Issues, Mental Health, Identity, Politics & Leadership, Economic Sustainability, Civil society, Public Health & Infrastructure, Science & Technology, Folk tradition, Migration & Diaspora, Self-determination, Militarization, and Human Rights etc.
The NSA invites abstract submission in the following areas (context to Naga society):
1. STATE, POLICIES & DEVELOPMENT: a. Political Economy b. Education c. Economic Sustainability d. Act East Policy e. Unemployment f. Art, Music, Sports & Entertainment g. Industry, Trade and Commerce h. Corruption i. Land, Territory & Border
2. IDENTITY, CULTURE & LANGUAGE:a. Historiographyb. Colonial and Post-colonial issuesc. Globalization and Multi-Culturalismd. Self and otherse. Oral Tradition and Folkloref. Customary Lawsg. Literatureh. Popular Culturei. Food Culturej. Race and Ethnicity
3. SOCIETY & SOCIAL ISSUES: a. Civil Society /NGOs b. Issues on illegal Immigrantsc. Genderd. Social Justice
4. SOCIO-POLITICAL ISSUES:a. Ethnic Conflictsb. Self-determinationc. Militarisationd. Human Rights
5. HEALTH & SOCIETY: a. Mental Health b. Addiction/Counselling c. Response to Covid-19 Pandemic & other diseases d. Genetics, Genomic and Informatics e. Health Infrastructure Scenario
6. ENVIRONMENT & CLIMATE CHANGE:a. Mining Issuesb. Deforestationc. Global Warmingd. Agriculture/ Farming etc
7. SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY: a. Nanotechnology b. Social Media & e-learning c. Information, Communication & Technology d. Emerging trends in IT e. Plant Science f. Flora & Fiona etc
8. TRADITION & MODERNIZATION:a. Church and Christianityb. Traditional Religionsc. Work Ethicsd. Leadership and Responsibilitye. Migration and Diasporaf. Indigeneity
ABSTRACT SUBMISSION: Last date for Abstract Submission: 5th November, 2020• Abstract must be in about 250 words with brief CV & Passport photo •Email: [email protected]
1. Dr. Zuchamo Yanthan, President of NSA- Convever
2. Dr. Kaisii Kokho Kayina, Asst. Professor, Jamia Isamia Univ, Delhi- Co-Convener
3. Dr. Lungthuiyang Riamei, General Secy of NSA-Orginizing Secretary
4. Ms. Nzanmongi (Jasmine) Patton, Asst Professor, Delhi Univ- Finance Secy
5. Dr. Aton Mungleng, Convener of PERC, Delhi-Joint Finance Secy
6. Dr. Walunir, Associate Professor, Amity University, Delhi- Member
7. Rev. Dr. Ellen C Konyak Jamir, Faculty at OTS, Nagaland- Member
8. Dr. Venusa Tinyi, Asst Professor, Hyderabad Univ- Member
9. Dr. Ngoru Nixon, Asst Professor, AUD, Delhi- Member
10. Ms. Sulila Anar, PhD Scholar, JNU- Member
11. Dr. Phyobenthung Odyuo, Asst Professor, FAC, Nagaland- Member
12. Dr. Kanato Chophi, Fellow at New India Foundation, Bangalore- Member
13. Dr. Raile Rocky Ziipao, Asst Professor, Punjab University, Punjab- Member
14. Dr. Nathan Loung, Executive Secretary, NSA- Member
15. Mr. Thejalhoukho Casavi, PhD Scholar, JNU- Member
16. Dr. Caroline Maninee, Joint Secy, NSA- Member
Email: [email protected]