Naga Students’ Federation Calls for Active Participation in World Environment Day Observance on June 5

Photo: Kuipei Studio

Ukhrul: “The Naga Students’ Federation (NSF) calls upon its federating units, sub-ordinate bodies, and the entire student community to actively participate in the observance of World Environment Day on June 5th, 2024. This year’s theme, “Land Restoration, Desertification and Drought Resilience,” underscores the critical need for individual and collective actions to protect and rejuvenate our natural environment.

The NSF emphasizes the importance of environmental conservation and sustainability in the face of escalating ecological challenges. As part of our commitment to fostering a greener future, we encourage every member of our community to take part in meaningful activities that contribute to the well-being of our planet.

A central initiative we are promoting is the planting of saplings. This simple yet impactful act not only contributes to reforestation efforts but also symbolizes our dedication to nurturing the environment for future generations. We urge every student, unit, and sub-ordinate body to plant at least one sapling and to care for it as it grows.

In addition to tree planting, we advocate for participation in a variety of other conservation activities, including: Clean-up Drives, Awareness Campaigns, Workshops and Seminars, and other activities on environmental issues.

The NSF believes that these collective efforts will not only enhance our immediate surroundings but also contribute to global environmental health. Together, we can make a significant impact in preserving the natural beauty and ecological balance of our region.

Let us come together this World Environment Day to reaffirm our commitment to the environment. By taking these small but meaningful steps, we can help ensure a sustainable and thriving future for all.”

(This press release of the Naga Students’ Federation is issued on June 3, 2024)

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