Nagaland’s Wede Tmero, wins Shirui Lily half Marathon; Liyai Khunou (Senapati) & Manoubi Singh (Assam) secure 2nd & 3rd

Wede Tmero from Nagaland, winner of Shirui Lily Half Marathon 2022 (Photo: Ukhrul Times)

Ukhrul: Hundreds marched for Drug-Free Manipur adjoined with Shirui Lily Marathon on Thursday. The 22 kilometer half marathon was flagged off by former Education Minister, MLA Dr. Th. Radheshyam Singh in the presence of Tangkhul Naga Long President David K Shimray. 

25-year-old Wede Tmero from Chizami village, Phek, Nagaland won the Shirui Lily Half Marathon Men’s Open 2022 displaying an impressive feat of 22 km coverage in one hour thirty one minutes and seven seconds. Manipur’s H. Ngapulou, 22-year-old from Liyai Khunou, Senapati district missed the title  spot by just about a minute lapse to secure the first runner-up position; Right behind Liyai was a 19-year-old Manoubi Singh from Pachim Lanka Gaon, Baluhandar Hojai, Assam. The award ceremony of the event was graced over by HAC Chairman MLA Dipu Gangmei as chief guest and Ukhrul ADC/ADM Chunglenmang Kipgen as special guest.

As part of the opening program of the event, T-Coleve organized a Campaign Rally for ‘Drug-Free Manipur’ along with a ‘March for Kashong Timràwon, the local name for the state flower Shirui Lily. The Shirui Lily Marathon was organized under the theme ‘Say No to Drugs’ in line with Manipur  government’s ‘War on Drugs Campaign’; promoting the state flower Shirui Lily all the while setting the stage for potential athletes. Hordes of supporters gathered to witness the event.

Dr. Radheshyam Singh in his speech as chief guest at the event expressed his pleasure in being a part of the campaign rally. Showing strong support for the ‘War on Drugs’ campaign, he implored the people to keep fighting the good fight for such a cause as to defeat the deathly enemy of  drugs and substance abuse. The legislator was seen actively interacting with the young enthusiastic athletes, and admitted his admiration of their vigorous aspirations. Dr Radheshyam further appealed to the crowd that the latter must be guardians and counselors for those struggling with addiction. Young generation’s aspirations should not be hindered by drugs, the MLA concluded.

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At the award ceremony, HAC Chairman, MLA Dipu Gangmei showed his appreciation towards ardent sportsmanship shown by the athletes while lauding T-Coleve for bringing about a healthy competitive platform for potential talents. MLA Dipu Gangmei wished the participants and organizers the very best, conveying his utmost support for all activities meant to bring about a filip to youths’ development. The TNL President David K Shimray in his speech shared his concern regarding rampant substance abuse in the state and the threat it poses to an otherwise bright future that the society has. Retereiting TNL’s strong commitment in fighting against drug abuse, the president of the apex body of the Tangkhul community emphasised on the need for collective action to help many be free from the bondage of substance abuse.  K Shimray expressed his content in seeing so many youths turning up for the campaign rally and encouraged them to continue striving to do what one can for a drug-free Manipur.

The marathon garnered interest among aspiring participants from across the country and saw a registration of upto 230 for the competition. Besides the winners, top ten runners – Sahidur Rahman, George Ningkhanmung Shimray, Nahtei N Wangnou, Chihanyo Raman, Sophia Soro, Md Abdul Rajak, Tuishim Horam, Khalatza Shimray, Thotngacheirin Hunphun Luiyi and Yurngachan Luiram were awarded with consolation prize for merit.

Shirui Lily Half Marathon Men’s Open was held with Ezo as water station partner, Mohentro Arts as gifting partner and Kumrah Printers as printing partner. Besided the organizing sub-committe for the state fest, the event received utmost support and encourgement from MCS Chunglenmang Kipjgen ADC, Ukhrul, Shanngam Shally, DFO Ukhrul, Suisa Chawung, DFO Kamjong, 35AR Ukhrul,  BRTF Ukhrul, Kummichon Shaiza, Proprietor Manipur Gas Services, well wishers Raingam Lunghar and Manager, PNB Ukhrul Branch.

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T-Coleve is a collective of enthusiastic individuals from diverse fields who have banded together to bring about purposeful events. T-Coleve exists to deliver value-driven and outstanding services to ensure client satisfaction all the while effecting community empowerment and positive social impact. T-Coleve is a shortened version of the name ‘The Collective Events’ – a team of  youths  concertedly endeavoring to raise the bar of event management in the steadily developing area of Manipur. Incorporating just a handful yet resolute members, the varying skill and experiences of each contribute towards making ‘T-Coleve’ a robust team. Although the team primarily has been built to handle events, it envisages  positive  ripple effects of the central principle that’ll transpire in the form of employment opportunities for youths in particular and the town folks in general.

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