NSCN IM takes a jibe on Manoj Anand, Dutta Chaudhury & MHA

(Ukhrul Times/File)

NSCN IM’s Ministry of Information and Publicity on Thursday, named Manoj Anand of Asian Age, Dutta Chaudhury of Assam Tribune and other media groups for their highly misleading reports on the on going informal Indo-Naga peace talks with the Government of India (GoI), and the core issues surrounding the demand for Naga flag and Yehzabo (constitution), spreading confusion among the Naga people.

Calling them “mischief mongers” for “indulging in wild projection that the Naga accord is finalized, leaving aside NSCN”.

The group’s press statement criticized the journalists for doing what NSCN IM said is “the bidding of officials from the MHA and Defense Ministry with the intension to divide and confuse the Naga people and detach them from the issue of Naga flag and constitution”.

The group also made it public that “certain MHA and security officials are working in tandem with some media groups with the twin purpose of putting pressure on NSCN and confuse the Naga people on Naga solution without Naga flag and constitution”, calling them “Anti-NSCN propagandists” and “restless”.

Contrary to what the “media mischiefs” interpretation of the on going peace talks, NSCN IM added that mass support from the Naga public is building fast, pointing out that Naga solution without flag and constitution will be meaningless, adding, “What is there for the Naga people to gain out of Naga deal if we are to lose our political identity that is identified by flag and constitution”?

“Manoj Anand”, the group in a rather furious tone said, “has been repeatedly writing on the same line that Naga deal is going to be signed anytime soon, even without NSCN”. It said that Manoj’s “highly motivated reports with sources from the Home Ministry and security are creating unnecessary sensation as desired by those vested groups”.

NSCN IM has been insistent with their stand on the core political issue, reaffirming its statement “that there is no way forward on Indo-Naga talk without finalizing on Naga flag and constitution”.

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