Rising People’s Party demands special session on UCC & ‘The Forest (Conservation) Amendment Bill 2023’

File photo: DIPR Nagaland

Newmai News Network

Dimapur, August 10: The Rising People’s Party (RPP), a political party based in Nagaland, has asked today whether the Nagaland government can “safeguard us in the face of the central government’s onslaught in the form of UCC and The Forest (Conservation) Amendment Bill, 2023”

In a statement, the RPP said “much has been said and articulated by various organisations/political parties including the NPF regarding the “two most contentious issues” initiated by the Modi government, namely, the UCC and “The Forest (Conservation) Amendment Bill, 2023.”

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Given the “serious” circumstance, the RPP said any layman in Nagaland is now well-versed with the two issues, such as the ramifications for the state of Nagaland if the state government does not voice out “our collective” opposition at this juncture.

The Rising People’s Party demanded “strongly” that the NDPP-BJP coalition government in Nagaland convenes a special session of the Nagaland Legislative Assembly at the earliest and passes resolutions, one, to nullify “The Forest (Conservation) Amendment Bill, 2023,”which has been passed in the Lok Sabha and the Rajya Sabha respectively, and two, to nib in the bud the narrative of UCC in Nagaland.

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The statement then said, “The people’s mandated NDPP-BJP coalition should have the eagerness to protect the state from any adverse agenda which seeks to render the constitutionally protected state of Nagaland impotent with legislative measures such as “The Forest (Conservation) Amendment Bill, 2023,” or the UCC, which if implemented, would render Article 371A inconsequential.

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Therefore, the RPP said there is no excuse for the Chief Minister to make loud proclamations that the state is already protected from the adverse effects of “The Forest (Conservation) Amendment Bill, 2023”, or the UCC for that matter. “Any government styling itself as a regional party should be willing to protect the territorial integrity of the state at any cost. However, till date the ugly sequence of surrendering to majoritarian politics on quite a number of issues out of sheer cowardice or fear of stoppage of central funds is non-acceptable,” the RPP added.

The NDPP-BJP coalition is reminded that the “staunchly patriotic and progressive” Kerala Legislative Assembly has already passed a resolution opposing the UCC, a first in the country. “The question therefore in everyone’s mind is whether this coalition can safeguard us in the face of the central government’s onslaught in the form of UCC and “The Forest (Conservation) Amendment Bill, 2023,” the RPP stated.

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