Ruffians and their version of street power: Khurakki Eena Lai Saba


THOSE WHO believe in the existence of the socio-political reality called Manipur and who stand by its integrity-territorially, administratively, socially and politically need to be very, very cautious and careful while dealing with the present crisis. Cultivate friends at the places where it matters, is a lesson which anyone with a modicum of even the capacity to think and behave like human beings should understand. And be very clear this observation comes not without reason.

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Dealing with the crisis is no child’s play and letting leikai heroes and heroines rule the road and streets of Imphal, all in the name of protecting the sanctity of the place is bound to boomerang in no time. Manipur has come very close to this state. Get the facts straight. At this juncture Manipur has no friends from amongst the neighbouring States. At best the neighbours are silent, indifferent observers and in the process, if the leikai heroes and heroines rub anyone, from any community which is not at all involved in the present stand off, the wrong way, then Manipur will find itself standing all that more alone surrounded by adversaries from all corners.

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This is the fact and this better sink into the consciousness of everyone, particularly those who have come out on the streets to impose their own version of leikai muscle. A case of Khurakki Eena Lai Saba these elements are and nothing illustrates this better than what happened on May 24 on the Airport road. Time to tell these elements to stay where they are and not come out to distort the understanding of the current situation for such elements can only play into the hands of the people who are out to manipulate and tear apart the existence of Manipur as a geo-political entity.

There cannot be two ways about it. This is where question ought to be raised on what the State police were doing? Are they out on the streets as decorative pieces or just to salute the high and mighty when they pass through?

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Remember the airport road is not some dingy bypass where anti-social elements rule the roost, but given the reality that unfolded on May 24 on this route, one may have second thoughts on this.

This is where organisations which have been at the forefront demanding that the Suspension of Operation (SoO) pact with Kuki militants be abrogated should come out and tender a public apology to the people of the world. Identify and pull up those ruffians and make them face the music.

Let a message be rung out that Manipur cannot and will not tolerate such gross indignities meted out to anyone. The stand of The Sangai Express has been consistent. It absolutely makes no sense to give a free hand to the leikai heroes and heroines and let them impose their own version of leikai muscle and inconvenience the movement of the common people. And in the process hurt the sentiments of everyone.

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The result would be to see a Manipur with no friends and no one would want such a situation at the present juncture. As news of the ruffians taking the law into their own hands started doing the round, The Sangai Express did contact the helpline number to verify whether it was a rumour or not, and apart from getting the verified version, no assurance of any sort of action that will be taken was forthcoming.

A classic case of the Government failing to ensure the safety and security of the common people and if going to the airport in broad daylight can expose anyone to danger as witnessed on May 24 then serious questions ought to be raised against the much tom tommed ‘improved law and order situation’ slogan parroted so regularly.

(Courtesy: The Sangai Express)

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  • G Tombing

    May 27, 2023 - 8:35pm / at 8:35 pm Reply

    The future of the non-naga tribals is the same with the Nagas!

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