Nagas Will Never Join Indian Union Nor Accept India’s Constitution: Th. Muivah | Interview with The Wire

UT DeskNewsVideoHeadlines4 years ago

In an exclusive interview with The Wire, the General Secretary of NSCN (I-M), Th Muivah, has firmly said that the Nagas will never be a part of the Indian Union nor will they accept India’s constitution.

Th Muivah, in the interview, also added that there could be no solution without the Naga flag and Naga constitution.

“We have stood our ground on these two non-negotiable issues and we shall continue to stand till the last man standing,” he said.

Muivah added that Naga organizations like the Naga National Political Groups or several civil society organisations, who are not insisting on a separate flag and constitution, using strong word said, are “traitors”. When asked about R N Ravi, the governor of Nagaland, what has become of the Framework agreement between Government of India and NSCN IM, Muivah, using another strong word categorically said that “Ravi betrayed the NSCN IM”.

This exclusive interview is likely to upset and even annoy the government at the Centre which starkly reveals the sharp differences that are still separating the National Socialist Council of Nagalim (Isak-Muivah) and the Government of India. Prime Minister Narendra Modi, to be precise.

Also read: Th Muivah’s letter to Prime Minister Narendra Modi

Watch the full interview here.

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