UNC questions State Govt. basis in recognizing Kuki Rising Day

The United Naga Council (UNC) has expressed its concern on the declaration of “Kuki Rising Day” as Restricted Holiday by the Manipur Government.

In this regard, the UNC questioned the State Government’s intention. “The UNC would like to know the intention and also question the State Government the basis in recognizing Kuki Rising Day,” the UNC said on Tuesday..

The Naga body then said it “seriously viewed the Notification Order of the State Government of Manipur that, the government in the name of the Governor of Manipur—No. 5-21-2020-RSL dated Imphal, the 3rd December, 2020 had declared the 17th of October ‘Kuki Rising Day’ as Restricted Holiday including in the list of Restricted Holidays notified vide Government Order of even number dated 1-12-2020”.

In this regard, the UNC wants the State Government to come out with a clear justification of its aims and objectives at the earliest. The UNC then said it presumed that the State Government and the people are also well aware of the prevailing situations and sensitivities among all ethnic groups in the state.

“Therefore, failing on the part of the State Government to dispel any misunderstandings among all communities, the State Government shall be held responsible,” the UNC cautioned.


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