Soshim Keishing, an UPSC aspirant from Kumram village, Kamjong District currently residing in Rayotang, Ukhrul District was today beaten black and blue by the local authorities of Rayotang, Ukhrul.
According to one of the victim’s younger brother, who requested not to be named, said that his brother along with another fellow UPSC aspirant went to ask for a travel pass from the local authorities at Rayotang to travel down to Imphal to appear UPSC exams. Upon being told that the pass would cost 50 rupees, the two students enquired why they were being charged and if the local authorities could exempt them the pass fees since they were students and not businessmen going down for business. The Rayotang authorities, however, demanded that they pay to which the two students reluctantly paid but not without an argument between the two parties before getting the necessary pass and proceeded for home.
“My brother had returned home when the secretary called him through the phone and asked him to come to the office again. He told the secretary that he had to study for his exams and he wasn’t interested in taking the argument any further. This was when the secretary took this personally and started berating and framing my brother for disrespecting the local authorities. My brother responded by asking the secretary if he was bluffing him and agreed to meet him at the house of one of the committee members,” said Soshim’s brother who didn’t want to be named.
Also Read: Four arrested in UPSC CSE aspirant assault case in Ukhrul, Mass condemnation from Northeast
The two parties reportedly met and the argument reportedly got much more heated than before and the student was allegedly taken to the locality’s community hall. The younger brother accompanied Soshim to the community hall and there too, Soshim repeated his stance by saying he just “asked for concession since he was a student and not a businessmen”.
It is reported, however, that the local authorities took this personally and framed him saying it was an act of disrespect towards the local authorities and revolt against the locality. Upon further interrogation, on learning that the student was a tenant in the locality and not a Shimva (local), the authorities reportedly took advantage of the situation and framed him further, demanding an apology.
“My brother refused to apologise saying he hadn’t done anything wrong and there and then the local authorities charged my brother for going against the locality’s constitution and demanded that we pack our belongings and leave the locality within three days,” said the victim’s brother.
The ordeal, according to other source didn’t end there, however, as the student, though having not retaliated to the demand to vacate was handed over to the locality’s action committee and beaten black and blue.
“After that they took him into a room and beat him and I wasn’t allowed in and was helpless as my brother got beaten mercilessly for something he didn’t do any wrong.” said the younger brother speaking to Ukhrul Times.
Soshim is currently hospitalised in District Hospital, on oxygen, having passed out after the brute excessive beating from the local authorities.
Also Read: Four arrested in UPSC CSE aspirant assault case in Ukhrul, Mass condemnation from Northeast
Ncmi Raising
I’m very sad to know this. I never thought people of Ukhrul will treat our own blood brother who’s trynna bring betterment for our community. I’m sure he wasn’t reluctant to pay the money but thinking he may be able to negotiate. Im really unhappy with the fellows who’d done all these
Wormarak a.shimray
This is totally violating the human rights…judgement should be brought to them….
Why is a judgment being passed without the intervention of the police or the NSCN, this execution of power by our high handed so called leaders of our community is a personal agenda and a violation of human rights. No matter the reason , the judgement should not have been passed by them. I condemn suchs barbarics acts.
Nevi Shinglai
What is wrong with our tangkhul people? Are we even a Christian?. I wish God quickly pay them back the same punishment to their son and daughter to all the egoistic human.
These punk mother fuckers who did this , put them in jail and dissmiss these bitches who misuse their power beating someone just show how weak they mentally are I just can’t control but kick their asses
Avinash Kumar Pathak
The are Mother-fuckers, M/choddz, to say so. Earlier the DM in Haathras, now this Social Secretary. The Govt. goons thrive on excessively high Salaries. All Govt. jobs should be abolished, and for necessary ones, the salaries should be reduced by at least 30%. They must be brought to books. India is on the verge of pre-French Revolution times. Reservation-enjoying people are not Dalits: they only enjoy upon poor Dalits, who have huge population/votes. … Etc.
Avinash Kumar Pathak
“They” is the 1st word,
Nevi Shinglai
What is wrong with our tangkhul people? Are we even a Christian?. I wish God quickly pay them back the same punishment to their son and daughter to all those who had committed the crime. And i pray for his speedy recovery. May God be with him.
W Themya
Ever wondered what our tribes were before the Westerners came to India and spread Chirstianity? Whom did we pray to? Were our ancestors wrong in praying to some other postive energy? They were wrong and faced damnation and we are now correct and are o the righteous path?How come we ended up being converted? Religion….people should ask, people should think. We act as sheeps where everyone starts following one.
Now I even doubt if this comment of mine would be allowed to be posted. Hypocrisy
Morality can never be defined through religion. Every religion has the potential to commit horrible crimes.
Hay mate NEVI I agry with your wordings but but with little change that insted of giving Same to his son should be given to himself and with 4 times intensity of what he did . A proper investigation should be done which the help of mankind officer and should be panalized according to human right violation .But that man should not be left without punishment and suspending him form post. I PRAY to GOD of giving me fast recovery and may he do good in upsc and get into it .
Hay mate NEVI I agry with your wordings but but with little change that insted of giving Same to his son should be given to himself and with 4 times intensity of what he did . A proper investigation should be done which the help of mankind officer and should be panalized according to human right violation .But that man should not be left without punishment and suspending him form post. I PRAY to GOD of giving him fast recovery and may he do good in upsc and get into it .
Where the wind blows
Gives a little bit of authority and becomes drunk with power. Let’s be honest never heard of paying money for a pass. A student trying to appear for his exams. I hope he can give next year get through and show them. Praying for his speedy recovery.
Mahbub Hussain
May God’s mercy and grace give you hope for yourself and for your family. Scars are not injuries. A scar is what makes you whole. Don’t loose your hope and go for your goals. Stay positive and get well soon.🙏🙏
Vikas Ra-jack
Shameless these kind of people who take part of it to do so merciless thing please die asap this is really a bad impact of every guy’s mind please take charge on the victims.
Pamya Sharon
What a barbaric act.
Shame on those who did this.
How could not they find any other way to have solved this. 👎❌
Who gave the order to the authority to bribe 50 rupees for the pass?. There is no such order given by both the centre and govt.So sad to hear all this barbaric act being done by some irrational beings.Let Justice be done soon at the earliest !!let the law of the earth mintigate and Cascade the Culprits .
Chihanring Hungyo
A funny thing about us, Tangkhuls is that we tend to take law and order into our own hands when we don’t even have the right to…. and nothing is more blood churning than that.
Ramchaorin Hungyo
Buwahhhaga 👍
Shame on us !( tangkhul) showing the fact example of inhuman as a Christian. Even if this incident happens to a particular locality. People from other community will see as a whole. Isn’t? . There are more inhuman stories happening around the areas of tangkhul community that has not been spread in social media. But the main case is : how hard the victims are suffering? Is it so easy to hurt others sentimental? As a Christian or the so called ” varei shinao” is it the way to live a life? . We really need to think about the reality and if possible address this issue to bring solution!
Such kind of Bestial and Barbaric acts should be eradicated from our tribals’ mindset. What a shame to expose our inability to deal with law and order. Let us be more rational and ethical in our approach, and eliminate such kind of authoritarian rule.
We demand justice for Soshim Keishing and the perpetrators to be given deserving punishment as per the law.
Sapai kha kashao bing glila double up salaka shao haolo.
laka rayothang katan na bing glila trible shi shao mi haolo tuk khui laka.
Chonminlien Gangte
My prayers are with him for a Speedy recovery.
Not a nice report to read.
This is so outrageous…beyond words to express how angry I am upon reading this. The hooligans ‘so called self imposed backward committees’ should be brought out for justice of the victim. God speed for his recovery.
Moreover, if tenants are prejudiced in this manner in our homeland,why won’t the mainland Indian have prejudice over us who are living in the cities.
Shimreiso N kashung
Very bad news.. to heard
still the uncivilized incident is happening in this very educated era.
May good God help him speedy recovery 🙏🙏
NSCN or TNL or TKS or HKL where are you,?
Police madarkar mana.
Wormarak a.shimray
This is totally violating the human rights…judgement should be brought to them….
It is out of expectation , towards same tribe it is to much heartless people, to those u involved brutally let God judge them accordingly , instead of taking like an enemy , better support them n wish them for good luck for the appearing UPSC exam.
Concerned citizen
TKS should look into this and ensure that justice is delivered
This barbaric act, I think may not be resolution of the entire Rayotang. As victim brother claim it could be a personalised act of a few person within the authority. Blaming this act against entire Rayotang or Tangkhul as a whole may be too early at this point. I’m sure Rayotang or higher Tangkhul authorities must be investigating the matter for better example for the coming generation. Mistakes do happen around, but the challenge is how we mend or correct them as not to become a precedent case to be followed by the community rather setting an example by the authorities that such act of arbitrary collection of taxes and inhuman violence are not repeated.
Hay Awon we can can not call this as a mistake it’s a vulgar crime and accused should be treated as per the crime he did. May God give him proper recovery and may he fulfil his dream and act to man who did this to hom
Chilling keishing
Praying for speedy recovery brother.
Dual government was there, now triple government with separate Constitution…. this is madness.
Chihansing Ragui
It is very unfortunate, such incidents do not help us as a Community.
A good leader knows how to gracefully draw attention away from their own authority instead of beating people over the head with it.
Another shame which can never be undone.
I hope each new day brings Him closer to a full and speedy recovery.
These people are not going to change. Earlier this year, the burning of the tribal group village was a mock to the constitution of India. And now this is a barbaric act. Shame on the so called educated and follower of Christianity. Shame on you. Your illeterate ruined his entire life hardwork.
Justice for everyone
Punk mother fuckers who did this to a upsc aspirant,please start a campaign or something we should do something about this
To start we need to verify this news. Do you know?? Anything about it. Can you verify this news. Please
Chonchon luiyainao
Wait!what? Is it so wrong to asked for concession? M sure u even go and argue for Rs20 in the market. N here u guys are beating someone mercilessly for Rs 50 shame on u guys.Hope n pray that he will recover soon.
Adarsh singh
Its very brutal and marcyless incident… now an strict action is very necessary towards local authorities who has done this.
Terrifying… How this policemen taking all the powers in their hands n feeling them as singham..
. Rascals
Gopi Krishna
It is tyranny, Power should not be mis used.
Please take action against them
Extremely inhuman ,abominable intolerable on the part of the authorities whoever did this.shame on us being Christians!
Praying for speedy recovery!!
Extremely inhuman ,abominable intolerable on the part of the authorities whoever did this.shame on us being Christians!
Praying for speedy recovery!!
What the fuck is happening in our country damn man its so disturbing.. where is the administration where is our fundamental rights no one is accountable to judiciary everyone is going on with there goonda raj
Very bad. Strict action should be taken against the person who ordered to beat the candidate mercilessly.
I just want to verify the news reading Soshim Keishing a upsc aspirant. Is this news true. ??
I wanted to verify this, because we the civil service aspirants “civil service dreamers” – a group wants to protest against such atrocities against our brother aspirant. So please verify the news.
Ukhrul Times
Dear Jose,
this is a verified news.
UkhtulTimes is the only digital news outlet in the district.
Ukhrul Times
You can also get in touch with us on our Twitter page
Yes please ,nice initiative…should protest about this barbaric act.
This is a barbaric act ..but news from smaller district are not covered by the so called BIG MEDIA ..who is going to pay for their loss …they might be preparing for this exam a very long time and see today they are hospitalised on their exam date ..Shame on the so called Public official’s.Govt.if you exist take stern action against them.
Very bad and inhuman behaviour… The authorities are for public whom hav given them with such authority… Some people in position thinks that they are the God father and imposing these kinda cruelty on innocents if they raises voice against them…
Xyz 2345
What a stupidityyy…..its completely against humanity…by violating all the laws,ethics and morals. This should be taken to the higher authorities… Bcz of some bloodyyy bustards acts he lost his exam his years of preparation had gone in vain….uneducated brutes govt. Has to be take action against these bustards
May he will get well sooon
This is very inhuman..if he really had done something wrong he should have been handed to the police not the locals ..why people are taking law in their hands
M Kishore
Very bad incident Nobody have right to beat or manhandle others.This is completely intollerable accused must be punished.
Where is our human centric philosophy….and where is government….shame on him who forgot that he is only a local authority which is only a servant and nothing else…. please help “the poor but strong boy”…….be an Indian…be a human than anything else 😡
What the hell… Please punish all those culprits lock them up at jail forever.
Pathetic, shamless , deeply saddened to hear this
Rex Lunghar
No civilized society uphold such barberic act or behaviour under any circumstances. The whole Tangkhul leader, society and community should come together to condemn such evil and take prompt action to the perpetrator but also help the victim for speedy recovery with funds and moral supports.
Such people should be punished .. or else this kind of things will never stop .. People jus lost there minds .. I am so sad about that boy he couldn’t write exam bcz of such assholes .. I hope he will recover soon .
Extremely inhuman act… Shocked to see those pictures… The Culprits must be punished. Praying for his speedy recovery 🙏
Too much, if only the local authority have some common sense. Praying for a speedy recovery
Such cruel people must be punished. Higher authority must take some actions for can anyone behave so rude with a student. It seems like a common man doesn’t have any freedom of speech.praying for your speedy recovery brother. And must attempt next upsc. Curse to those junglees, immoral ,shamless people.
Tangkhul leaders need to know the art of justice, human right and mainly equality (local or
outsiders). It seems that they are injustice and looking down on non local people even to their own blood ie. the tangkhuls just because the people are from different village.
Akash kashyap
It is totally same… what happened to our country there were all basterd are free to move and why they bitten innocent guy….I have nothing to say I have fire inside my body it blose up when I say ….I just only say feel same police and plz take immediate action on these basterd who beaten him….
Pranjal Hazarika
It’s not done good, this type of case create violence. Everyone lives matter, who beaten him like as an animal
Suspend them and treat them same let them understand the pain
All they know is money
Sc Pandey
This is total misuse of power, I condemn this shameful and cowardice act. This is inhuman and heinous.
Abebi Nuwiry
Sad to hear the brutality of the local authorities. Taking laws into their own hand. Pathetic people still do exist.
Pratibha rani
Inka punishment yhi hoga ki wo ladka upsc crack krega or enke upar rule krega.
And they have to apologize for their cruel action.