To Christians, the world over, regardless of denominations, the only one central meeting point is the most authentic, most authoritative and most unambiguous version is the Lord Jesus Christ declaring Himself as the Way, the Truth and the Life (Jhn 14.6). Denominations are, at best, means to helping lay congregations to knowing, accepting and worshipping God for Who He is. It is on the absolute centrality of Jesus Christ that Christian faith, no matter which denomination one belongs to, is anchored. The holistic nature of the Deity of Jesus Christ demolishes and nullifies attempt by human organization, more so by the church to divide and subdivide lay congregation only to suit one’s own interpretation of whatever issue razing the ground. The Bible is replete with instructions urging us to accept the imperative that we Christian can and shall realise the True Self only if we remain connected with the roots as different parts of the organic whole who is none other than Jesus Christ himself. Wanting to act big, strong and smart independent of each other is nothing but the surest way to self-destruction.
Where are we Tangkhuls today? We seem never tired of loud-mouthing our identity as Christian as if loud protestation is what sees us through justified to the end. We are palpably busy with endless exercise to score brownie points and propaganda advantage against one another on perfidious claim as being the always ‘Right’. Such behavior/conduct is a total contrast to what Jesus Christ was all about – wanting to be wronged for being right; no grudge being treated as weak for being strong; in fact, no grudge being ridiculed and shamed for being Himself. Where are we then, claiming as we do ‘ardent followers’ of Christ but known for running helter skelter in search of platforms where we would present ourselves blameless and spotless. We have gone knocking the doors of high and mighty for arbitration or if you will, for adjudication on the issue of Baptist Church break up. Here, I would submit the following:
Tangkhul Brethren, as we stand on the threshold of the 125th anniversary of the birth of the Baptist Church in our land, we need to resolve within ourselves – individually and collectively and foremost before God that the Celebration would only be on the Epitome of ‘Tangkhul United Baptist Churches’. The alternative can only be on the Epitome of ‘Tangkhul Divided Baptist Churches’.
I just cannot see the 3rd option! Which side of the aisle are we on? The choice is ours! But be sure, God whom we worship is the author and the finisher of the Right. Thanking you all and God bless.
Sword Vashum. Retired additional deputy comptroller and accountant general. Views are personal.
Kumwang Paul Lowangcha
Nice congratulations 🎉