Ten Years On: Unresolved Deaths of Mayopam Ramror and Ramkashing Vashi Continue to Haunt Ukhrul


Ten years have passed, since Mayopam Ramror and Ramkashing Vashi gave up their lives for the cause of Nagas.

I still remember that fateful day. On August 30, 2014, the United Naga Council (UNC) had called for a public rally in Ukhrul demanding expedition of the settlement of the Indo-Naga issue; respect for the Indo-Naga ceasefire agreement; to honour the democratic dialogue on alternative arrangement between the Government of Manipur (GoM) and UNC; to stop militarization, and to respect land rights of the Nagas amongst others.

Wren Raleng and I were entrusted to cover the rally at Ukhrul Headquarters. Ukhrul people came out in large numbers for a peaceful rally despite the prolonged imposition and promulgation of 144 CrPC at Ukhrul Town since 13th July, 2014. Mr. Raleng carrying his camera, we were patrolling and running along the Ukhrul Town (Dungrei to Awontang) on my old motorcycle (Yamaha RX 100).


On 30 August 2014, Mayopam Ramror and Ramkashing Vashi were shot dead by Manipur Police/Commando/IRB at a close range at Ukhrul, while carrying out a peaceful rally. Many were wounded by the indiscriminate firing and shelling of teargas and mock bombs.

It was no less than a cold blooded murder. A close range shot. Two peaceful protestors lives were taken away by the “trigger happy” Commandos & IRBs from Imphal sent by Ibobi, the then CM of Manipur. They fell down and their blood flowed out along with lives .

I have watched buildings destroyed by bombs. I have seen guns rattling and killing people. All these actions in a war flick. But that day, it has been enacted in real life. Smoke Bombs, Stunt Bombs, Tear Gas, Gun Shots and Killing. A gift of Ibobi’s Government to the people of Ukhrul.


The post mortem started at 02:30pm and was completed at 05:30pm at District Hospital, Ukhrul on 31 August 2014. The Post Mortem was conducted by two FORENSIC SPECIALISTS who came from Imphal and was accompanied by two doctors from Ukhrul Hospital. The whole process was captured on camera. However, a request for a third party to take a footage was not allowed.

According to the post mortem report, a 9mm pistol bullet was found inside the body of (L) Ramkashing Vashi. In the case of (L) Mayopam Ramror, the bullet entered from the left side of his back and passed through the right side of the neck. The post mortem confirmed that they died from bullet injury as opposed to certain media reports that they died from tear gas injury. It was very clear that the news in the media reporting of the incident gave bias reports based on wrong information from the State.


Due to indiscriminate firing by the Commandos and IRB two people were killed and 34 were critically injured. M. Ngachonmi S/o M. David of Somdal Village was referred to Imphal for treatment. Ramchanngam Horam S/o Helpson Horam of Kharasom Village received bullet injury on the right leg, Ningkhan Luikham S/o David Luikham of Kongkan Village was hit by tear gas on the left hand, Khanreingam LK S/o Yangmi LK of Leiting Village recieved bullet injury on the right hand, Shangkahao Keishing S/o (L) Thomas Keishing of Thoyee Village received tear gas injury on the left knee and a tear gas exploded on the face of Ningshim L.S. of Hunphun.

Besides, SK. Raingam of Kachai, L. Somiwon of Shirui, Chanreiwon of Teinem and AS. Pamshang of Hunphun received minor injuries. After maximum damage was done, the then Ibobi led Government withdraw the IRBs & Commandos from Ukhrul Headquarter.


During the funeral service of Mayopam Ramror and Ramkashing Vashi held at TNL Ground on1 September 2014, the Nagas condemned in the strongest term, the killings and violence of the Government of Manipur perpetrated on the Nagas in Manipur on 30 August 2014 at Ukhrul in continuation of the communal policies against the Tribals/Nagas.

Late Mayopam Ramror and Late Ramkashing Vashi of Teinem Village were declared MARTYRS of the Naga cause and to be HONORED as such for all time to come. It also resolved for political boycott of the Government of Manipur in Naga areas; including indefinite ban on all construction work on NATIONAL PROJECTS in Naga areas and ban on all VEHICULAR TRAFFIC on National and State Highways in Naga areas to be enforced till such time the Government of India made a political intervention on our situation with effect from 06:00am of 4th of September 2014. The decision was also submitted to the Prime Minister of India for his immediate political intervention.


Mayopam’s and Ramkashing’s last walk to martyrdom exuded bravery and freedom. In one of the pictures circulated in social media, they were seen straightening the banners left by the rallyists running away from shootings and teargasing.

But in their death, they left behind their respective wives, both pregnant; boy and a girl who would never meet their fathers. At that time, Rosedinah wife of Mayopam was only 26 years old and Chanreiwon wife of Ramkashing was only 24 years old. They gave birth to a baby boy and baby girl respectively in the following months.

Rosedinah Ramror, wife of late Mayopam Ramror, in her speech during the funeral programme of her husband held at TNL Ground, Ukhrul on 1 September 2014 lamented that “Though my beloved husband life has been cut short by Manipur state security forces, I beg Naga people not to forsake me and the baby I am carrying in my womb. The loss of a lover and a husband is something I can’t imagine and bear. However, I will take solace and comfort knowing he sacrificed and gave up his life for the greater cause. My heart is heavy.”

Rosedinah narrated that “It has been 10 years and I will never know who have pulled the trigger and killed my husband. I wanted to know everything what actually happened on that day. I was pregnant and was at home when the incident happen. Family and friends informed me that he was shot in the arms. I desperately tried calling his number. After trying for many times, my elder brother picked up the phone and told me to be calm, he is being given treatment at the hospital and will be back in the evening.”

“In the evening, relatives and friends started pouring into our house. Sensing fear that something drastic might have happened, I enquired one of my relatives to tell me what actually have happened to my husband. She did not say anything, but I realised something worse had happened because I noticed tears trickling down from her eyes when she turned away from me. It was only late in the evening that they told me the actual news that he was no more.”

“Our son Ngahanngai Ramror is going to be 10 years old soon. He really wished he had someone to call his Ava (father). Sometines, while coming back home after playing with the neighbour kids, he would suddenly ask where was his father? I tried to explain but no words came out. Only tears. It is very painful to explain to my son. I have shown him the grave at TNL Ground, where he was buried along with his friend Ramkashing Vashi. I am yet to explain how he died. When he grows older, I will surely tell the story. For now I can only meet his queries with silence and tears. “

Now, Rosedinah Ramror is assisting her brother with his work while taking care of her son.

Chanreiwon Vashi wife of late Ramkashing Vashi could not be contacted. Earlier, she had shared, “I was at home waiting for my husband to come back home all tired and worn out. I had heated water for his bath. I got to know suddenly that my husband is no more when two elders from our village came and informed the news to my in-laws. I was pregnant that time and gave birth to our daughter on December 4, 2014. I longed to know what actually happened that day, who killed my husband. I have accepted that he gave his life for a noble cause and that solace and comfort is enough to forgive the killer.


The answer is still blowing in the wind. It is 10 years since Mayopam and Ramkashing were killed by security forces. The Government did not do anything to identify or punish the trigger happy guy. Justice is yet to be delivered.

The then Deputy Chief Minister of Manipur in September 2014, while announcing government decision to relax the prohibitory order under section 144 of CrPC at Ukhrul, had said that government was yet to ascertain who killed the two civilians alleging several protestors were armed with guns during the rally spearheaded by the United Naga Council (UNC) in Ukhrul district. In this connection, NPF -Manipur State Unit has slammed the statement of Deputy CM saying that “It is very disappointing that the deputy chief minister keeps confusing the people through his statements instead of guiding them to safety.” NPF termed the statement as “baseless and inflammatory” statement.

Till today, no one knows who fired the fatal shots that killed Mayopam Ramror and Ramkashing Vashi on 30 August 2014.

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