ANSAM: “Government must ensure fair and just facility for the entire citizens”

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All Naga Students Association Manipur (ANSAM), while appreciating the state government’s handling the alarmingly high rate of infection and death cases, drew the attention of the government to come out with comprehensive and proactive policy programmes to flatten the surge of covid-19 and evolve holistic mechanisms to treat the entire Covid-19 positive patients promptly. The Naga student body also said that the already grim situation is worsening which sought for a great deal of responsibility and accountability from all stakeholders. It also said that despite of all challenges, the government must ensure fair and just facility for the entire citizens. In this light, ANSAM urged to all the ministers and various authorities and “august” personalities in the state to stretch out their hands beyond their respective localities and constituencies.

It then expressed its “utmost” solidarity to all the people who are infected and affected by Covid-19 pandemic. “We wish speedy recovery  to all the covid-19 patients,” the Naga student body said in a statement on Friday. It also said this pandemic has taken the world by storm and paralyzing the whole normal affair. ANSAM then “salutes” to all the ‘frontline warriors’ and said, “Your sacrifice has saved us this far, yet the war hasn’t  ended and our prayer and moral support will be always with you to keep fighting boldly all humanity”.

ANSAM also urged the government to put extra effort in rural areas with no or little access to proper medical facilities instead of its usual lethargically and lackadaisical actions. All the District Hospitals, CHC, PHCs and SPHCs should be ensured adequate medical doctors, nurses, staffs and basic necessary equipments and facilities. It further said that doctors and medical staff who have been failing to report to respective postings, especially in the hills stations should be given a befitting punishment. It also said that proper installation of man power and basic health equipment in the hill districts will drastically subside the overcrowding and increasing death cases of patients in the state specially in two premier institute RIMS and JNIMS, Imphal.

“It is reported that most of Covid Care Centres (CCCs) are under management, hygienic standard of toilets are at stake, which is a big challenge for all the inmates with different health background in the same  centre. We urge the government for immediate redresser of such basic public grievances,” the Naga student body said. It further said that government may also adopt a policy program for engagement/recruitment of health and sanitary workers in different levels, be it temporary to meet the increasing shortage of man power in the state. “It is also pertinent to mentioned to draw the attention of the concerned authorities to check the prevailing  price hike of all the commodities by taking undue advantages over the ongoing lockdown,” the ANSAM statement also said. It added that hoarding, “blackmarketing and unreasonable price hike of essential commodities should be dealt as serious offences and befitting punishment be given to defaulters instantly. “We also appeal all the business community to put humanity first during this trying time,” it added.

Moreover, ANSAM also expressed its concern and solidarity to all “sisters and brothers” who are staying outside the state of Manipur. In this difficult time, ANSAM appealed to the state and central governments to look into the welfare of the poor and needy students as well migrant workers and ensure their basic life security.

It then appealed to all the citizens by saying, “Let us all cooperate and adhere to the authorities and experts with all the evolving situations and SOPs to save ourselves from this dreadful pandemic”.

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