Photo: Yangray Shatsang

Dear readers of Ukhrul Times,

There has been considerable concern about how our news reportage on the Manipur crisis is being perceived, particularly by the warring communities and those hiding behind anonymous social media accounts. It is evident that there are radical elements on both sides harboring deep-seated animosity towards each other.

A recent example is the viral propaganda spread by a vested group claiming an alleged NSCN revenge attack on KNA-B on June 18. This false information circulated widely on WhatsApp and social media, creating significant confusion even among news outlets. As suspected, the sensational news turned out to be fake, and Ukhrul Times successfully debunked it. However, our efforts to expose such falsehoods have also been met with hostility from certain quarters.

We have received numerous requests to cease reporting on the Manipur crisis, as it exacerbate

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