Hill Tribal Council Moreh elects Executive for 2021-24

Election for the new executive members of the Hill Tribal Council (HTC) Moreh was held at HTC Administrative Office building at Moreh today.

The newly elected members of HTC Moreh for the term 2021-2024 are:

President: Jangmang Haokip
Vice President: Victor Limthang Touthang
Gen. Secy: Mangminlen Singson

Dy. Gen. Secy: Jangkholen Haokip
Dy. Gen. Secy: Jamkhokam Mate

Finance Secy: Thongkhosei Lhungdim

1). Lalhminsang’a Mizo
2). Jamthang Mate
3). Seiminthang Baite
4). Ngamlet Hangmi
5). Lamneimang Vaiphei

Oath of affirmation with dedication and blessing prayer to the newly inducted members was performed by Reveren Ngamhao Touthang, chairman Moreh Pastor Fellowship (MPF).

Chongthu News Service

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