Imphal Naga Forum Marks 78th Naga Independence Day with Tribute to Nationalism and Historical Reflection

Poumai Naga Union and its frontal organisations celebrating the 78th Naga Independence Day 2024

Imphal, Aug 14: The Imphal Naga Forum (INF) marked the 78th Naga Independence Day at its office under the theme “Rejuvenate Nationalism, Lest We Forget.” The event was attended by prominent figures from various fields and was characterized by heartfelt prayers and thanksgiving for the enduring Naga national movement.

The celebration, led by Ambition Anth, Convenor of the Imphal Naga Forum, featured a series of tributes and speeches. The event commenced with an invocation prayer by Johnny Shimray, Vice President of the Naga Christian Forum, Manipur (NCFM).

The Chief Guest, Gaingam Gangmei, Former President of the United Naga Council (UNC) and Convenor of the Peace Committee, UNC, and Guest of Honour Daniel Ramsan, Senior Advocate at the Manipur High Court, were honored with Naga sashes. The program highlighted their contributions and continued commitment to the Naga cause.

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In his keynote address, AS Hongpro Shimray, General Secretary of the Imphal Naga Forum, emphasized the need to pass on the ideals of Naga Nationalism to future generations. He noted that the current Naga struggle is at a critical juncture, lacking a clear political roadmap. Shimray’s address centered on the theme of the event, urging attendees to remember and rejuvenate their commitment to the Naga cause.

Ramthing Kasar, a renowned human rights activist and Executive Member of the Imphal Naga Forum, stressed the significance of the Framework Agreement signed on August 3, 2015, between the NSCN (IM) and the Government of India. Kasar underscored the agreement’s potential impact and the necessity of understanding its far-reaching consequences for the Naga people.

Daniel Ramsan, in his speech, recounted the historical political negotiations between then Prime Minister Indira Gandhi and the NNC delegation led by Scato Swu. Ramsan also highlighted the Village Authority Act of 1956, emphasizing its potential benefits for tribal communities if fully implemented.

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The ceremony concluded with a vote of thanks delivered by DS Panmei, Joint Secretary of the Imphal Naga Forum, and a benediction pronounced by Arina Kamei, Pastor of Victoria Church, Lamsang, Imphal.

The event served as a poignant reminder of the sacrifices made by those who fought for the Naga cause and reiterated the importance of maintaining the spirit of nationalism amidst ongoing political challenges.

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