Miriema village celebrates mass Christmas

(Photo: Ukhrul Times)

Ukhrul, 26: In a case of celebrating a combined Christmas program transcending denominations, Meriema, a village in Nagaland, has celebrated a grand combined Mass Christmas under the theme: “Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you; he is the Messiah, the Lord,” taken out from Luke 2:11.

Expressing immense joy and gratitude at having such a combined celebration, the program’s convenor Keduolhoulie Huozha emphasized how the entire village came together, transcending denominational lines to unite as one family in Christ.

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The combined Christmas celebration showcased the harmony between various Christian groups—Baptist, Revival, Pentecostal, and Catholic congregations—who collaborated under the guidance of the village council to organize the historic event.

The celebration began on the 24 December evening with Kelhoulezo Shüya, Pastor in charge, BCM, as the Chairperson and the Pastor of CRC Neilakuolie Huozha, preaching the word of God on the topic: “The people living in darkness have seen a great light; on those living in the land of the shadow of death a light has dawned.”

The key highlights on the first day included a praise and worship session led by the Andrew Praise Team, BCM, song leader Khrieasetuo Viluo, and instrumentalist Khriebeinuo. Keduokienyü Huozha, a deacon of upper Nagabazar Baptist Church, and Petekhrienuo Üsou read the Old and New Testaments respectively. It also saw the Catholic Khriesarüü Krotho and the Pentecostal Khriesarüü Krotho perform special songs besides greetings from Neidilhou Keditsu, President MVGOK

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The second day of the celebration began with an invocation prayer by James Thomas, Pastor in charge of the Pentecostal Church Meriema. Dziesetseilie Ciesotsu, a deacon of Model Village Baptist Church, 5th Mile Dimapur, and Vizotuolie Lhousi, Catechist, St. John Vianney Catholic Church Meriema read the Old and the New Testament respectively.

The devotional service was led by Siekuolie Yaotsu, Asst. Pastor, CRC Meriema with Kekhriesetuo Keditsu and Khriesanuo Phewhuo featuring as a song leader and an instrumentalist respectively. Rev. Keduolhoulie Shüya, the pastor of the Baptist Church in the village gave a sermon deliberating on the theme.

A special song was also performed by CYE, CRC, BKK, and BCM. The event concluded with a mass feast followed by a talent night show.

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