Naga Christian Forum, Manipur appeals to observe special prayer day

“The Naga Christian Forum, Manipur being a body of believers in the mighty power of Almighty God, feels obliged to appeal for a special prayer programme of all Christians irrespective of denominations to urge heaven to intervene and bring lasting peace and harmony in the region”.

UT File Photo Contirbutor: Mashangva Somi

The Naga Christian Forum, Manipur (NCF) has expressed its concern on the worsening situation in all fronts. As such, the NCF appeals to all Christians, irrespective of denominations, to observe a special prayer day on October 16, 2020 (Friday) at their respective churches/places.

In a press statement issued by its secretary K Daimai on Saturday, the NCF said, “When we look at the present social trend or scenario, what had been foretold is taking place”. It also said that the present world is full of hatred and chaos, rumors of war, nation rises against nation, kingdom against kingdom, famine, pestilence and earthquakes are what the people encounter in their daily life. “The news of inter community conflict and intra community feud is being heard every day,” it further said, adding, “All these unwanted occurrences had hindered development progress and threatened peaceful co-existence”. According to the NCF, in such a “confused and puzzled critical situation, the limited knowledge of men can do nothing tangible”. It then said that the “only hope lies in the wisdom and intervention of God Almighty to ease the tense situation”.

Meanwhile, the prayer items suggested by the NCF for the proposed prayer programme are (1) Indian government and its leadership; (2) State government of Manipur and its authorities; (3) All communities and their respective civil society leaders; (4) Peaceful solution to all peace initiatives including the ongoing Naga peace process; and (5) Others.

The press note then said, “The Naga Christian Forum, Manipur being a body of believers in the mighty power of Almighty God, feels obliged to appeal for a special prayer programme of all Christians irrespective of denominations to urge heaven to intervene and bring lasting peace and harmony in the region”. It also said, “All Christians are earnestly requested to observe the proposed special prayer day on October 16, 2020 (Friday) at their respective churches/places. God hears the fervent prayers of believers. We are confident that God Almighty will hear our prayers and speak to the minds of all concerned stakeholders and bring lasting peace to the land”.

It then quoted  1 Timothy 2:1-2 that says, “Therefore, I exhort first of all that supplication, prayer, intercession and giving of thanks be made for all men, for kings and all who are in authority, that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all goodness and reverence”.

According to the NCF, the scripture has encouraged each and every Christian to pray for all men particularly the kings and those who are in authority “for there is no authority except from God and the authorities that exist are appointed by God” (Romans 13:2). It also said that their existence is for the good of people. “The men in authority need prayer support of the believers and co-operation of the people so that they can give good and effective governance,” the NCF statement added.


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