1. ON OIL AND NATURAL RESOURCES: Indian Constitution guarantees Nagas the right to explore and extract natural resources in Nagaland however to this end, the Petroleum Ministry of India has become a stumbling block and continuc to infringe on the constitutional rights of the Nagas. Currently, despite the constitutional guarantee, Nagaland state assembly does not have legislative power to legislate or amend this matter. This clear operational vacuum was removed when WC, NNPGs and Gol focussed on this crucial matter. Gol Interlocutor and WC, NNPGs, in March 2018, agreed that Post Indo-Naga political agreement, the Nagaland Tatar Hoho (Nagaland Federal Hoho, upper house representing all tribes and the Leacy Hoho, democratically elected members) combined, shall be the apex body to legislate on all matters including transfer and ownership of land and its resources, both manmade and natural including mines, minerals, fossil fuels, petroleum and natural gas and any new finds. With respect to strategic, radioactive elements, rare earths which have Indian national security relevance and implications, exploration and mining shall be through joint venture agreements between the Government of India and the Government of Nagaland. Similar constitutional provision will ensure political and administrative arrangements for Naga territories in Manipur and Arunachal Pradesh.
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Nagaland State CM had time to etch his name in the history of Indo-Naga conflict as the man who played real peacemaker, calmed the political turmoil and facilitated the inking of Indo-Naga political agreement. He opted to hang onto the CM chair, foregoing greater responsibility. Today, rather than facilitating early honorable and acceptable agreement based on the negotiated terms, the state government has once again formed a committee to look into the feasibility of oil exploration with the state’s constitutional head, the Governor, as a member! This is against the spirit of Indo-Naga political negotiations and agreed terms. It is against the spirit of Art. 371 (A).
All man-made resources in Nagaland have been short-circuited and diverted into their own pockets. Nagaland is a state with the biggest begging bowl. It is morally and ethically wrong to sell untapped wealth of the people for further self-aggrandisement which is why it is unacceptable. A group of vultures are now hovering over the underground wealth of Naga people. Visionless profiteers and wanton politicians cannot repair Nagaland. There is nothing left for future generations, save God given natural resources. Therefore, Naga tribes must oppose tooth and nail all attempts to conduct oil exploration in Nagaland. The Naga vultures are devoid of principle or morality. WC, NNGs would convey to all that pending Indo-Naga political solution, all Core Committees or Special/High powered Team must be abolished. Venturing into negotiated domain already agreed in principle between negotiating entities, is too dangerous. On 134 Oct. 2021, at Nagaland house New Delhi, Nagaland Chief Minister declared that in order to expedite early solution, his government was able to remove Mr. R.N Ravi from the gubernatorial post. What has been achieved since Mr. R.N Ravi’s removal?
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2. HONORABLE AND ACCEPTABLE POLITICAL SOLUTION: There is a clear roadmap for Indo-Naga political solution based on Agreed Position signed between Gol and WC, NNPGs on 17t Nov. 2017.
The subsequent negotiated status papers are in the hands of the people. There are still those Non-Nagaland, Nagas who have this bizarre habit of lying to the people that through Framework Agreement, Nagaland do not exist and Art. 371 (A) had become irrelevant. Such a narrative is an insult to the intellectual of the people of Nagaland The time has come for Nagaland CM to respond and put a stop to this nonsense.
Silence would be construed as tacit understanding with these elements and therefore he would be failing his constitutional duties. Art. 371 (A) is the only instrument which sustains the political identity and distinct historical foundation of the Naga people and therefore must be fortified at all cost. The GoI must understand that all Nagas in different states and people of Nagaland in particular, yearns for peace through honorable solution. Clearly, it is the non-indigenous Nagas sheltering in Nagaland who live in illusion and do not wish for peace to prevail in Nagaland.
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