Nagaland observes the International Women’s Day 2021

Celebrating and honouring women across the State and world, Nagaland observed the International Women’s Day 2021 under the theme “Women in leadership: Achieving an equal future in a COVID-19 world” at Hotel Vivor in Kohima on Monday. The programme was jointly organised by Nagaland State Commission for Women (NSCE), Nagaland State Social Welfare Board (NSSWB), State Resource Centre for Women (SRCW), under the Social Welfare Department. 

Commissioner & Secretary, Social Welfare, Sarah R. Ritse highlighted some of the women centric schemes and activities under the Ministry of Women & Child Development, of which the Social Welfare is the nodal department. She mentioned that under NSCW, schemes like 181 Women Helpline, Childline 1098, State Protection Services addressed violence against women and children during the pandemic.

Chairperson, NSCW, Khrienuo Tachü, applauded women for their resilience and great fortitude amidst many challenges and setbacks. She said that though our social institutions, norms and practices are more advantageous for men, Naga women have also become important leaders in various fields. She highlighted women leaders like Raino Shaiza, Neichiülieü Nikki Haralu, Dr. Khrielieü Kire, Banuo Z. Jamir, Prof. Temsula Ao, Rev. Dr. Noksangchila and many more who have been role models for women both at home and outside the State. She said that with the changing times, though both daughters and sons are given equal opportunities and access to education, there are still norms, expectations and obstacles that women have to overcome. 

Khrienuo also requested the State Government to introduce the Acquired Property Bill in the Nagaland Legislative Assembly, stating that the issue is not with the ancestral property, and it is the private decisions of the parents regarding acquired property, but as a statutory body of the Government of Nagaland, NSCW sought to intervene in cases where parents who have no sons but have only daughters are faced with the issue of inheritance of acquired property.

Chief Secretary, Nagaland, J. Alam said that in his career of 30 years, he has seen positive changes and that Naga women are coming forward in many fields. However, a lot still needs to be continued as when one goes through any social change, there is disruption in customs and traditions. Over the last one year, many Naga women showed leadership qualities in fighting against COVID-19, and he applauded the women for the hard work and for quietly working to achieve their goals. J. Alam said that the need of the hour is to recognise and honour the sacrifices and hard work of the women in building their homes. 

On the occasion, Chief Secretary, J. Alam presented the Nagaland State Commission for Women Award 2021 to five women achievers, namely Abeiu Meru, president, Naga Mothers’ Association; Dr. Vezokholu Theyo, Chief Medical Officer, Kohima; Dr. Visakhonü Hibo, President, Nagaland College Principals’ Association and Principal, Japfu Christian College, Kigwema; Pastor S. Anungla, Pastor, Chang Baptist Church, Kohima, and Inspector Rose Yanthan (UBI), Officer-in-Charge, Women Cell, Police Station, Dimapur. 

A short video was screened, showing women working in various fields as entrepreneurs, nurse, bus conductor, taxi driver, etc. and the challenges they face in their professions as women. The programme was also attended by Director General of Police, Nagaland, John Longkumer, a host of senior government officials and women leaders.


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