We laugh like it’s 1992
We dance like the Britney song will never end,
We drink from our plastic cups watching the stars disappear
Some enchanting evening with our jitters and our glitters,
Slow dancing to I don’t want to miss a thing
We don’t want to miss a thing, do we?
From chasing paper birds to chasing dreams,
Our carefree souls dabbled in rebellion;
We don’t know how we started this era so young
We don’t know how to end this era so ancient,
If only we can compress our essence into a time capsule;
Ours is a generation of love that decides for an entire decade
Our minds so brilliant and bright,
The only game we know is the race against time,
There’s plenty of strength left in our spirits
There’s plenty of time for us to exuberate,
Yet so little time to relish the beauty of this era –
So many dreams for us to accomplish in this realm,
Yet so little time left for us to leave a mark for the future world
So little time left for us to break these myths –
Yet we fight against this pattern of time like it’s our last
We try to harness the impossible law of nature,
We celebrate our existence like the paper birds that we are.
Chirmi Shimray is the author of ‘Raw – Perfectly Flawed’ and ‘The Sea and I’.
Also read: Morung: An Ode
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