Senior citizen with multiple diseases beats COVID-19 in Meghalaya


A 62-year-old man diagnosed with COVID-19 recovered and was discharged from Bethany Hospital, Shillong on Thursday.

The patient is a known case of diabetes, hypertension, dyslipidemia, hypothyroidism and Ca Oropharynx (Post-radiotherapy, surgery and chemotherapy).

“Whenever a patient recovers, it is a proud moment for us. However, due to his comorbidities, it is inspiring news for all of us,” the spokesperson of Bethany Hospital Shillong, Dr. Kyntiewlang Sanmiet said.

He also informed that this elderly patient was put on oxygen therapy and other treatment as per protocol.

“During the course of his hospital stay, the patient’s condition improved. Our team of doctors and staff who were treating him noticed his stern will to fight against the virus,” Dr. Sanmiet said.

Dr. Sanmiet also said that it is the will that is most important to fight against coronavirus.

“He has set an example that even people with such comorbidities can fight the virus. Though older persons with comorbidities might be at greater risk, but this does not mean the battle is lost for them,” he added.


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