Tamenglong: District Level Sensitization & Interaction on benefits of COVID Vaccination with consultative meeting for church and religious leaders and Village Authorities were held today at Multi-purpose Hall, Lower Ground, Tamenglong. The program was conducted by Tamenglong District Society in coordination with Tamenglong District Administration. It was sponsored by TDA.
During the program Dr Gaikhuanguangliu Gonmei, MO DH Tamenglong expressed that the district is lagging behind in vaccination, and as situation gets better people are getting less serious, she said. Citing about serious concerns of unvaccinated old people undergoing treatment, if third wave struck all of a sudden, what would be the condition, she questioned. Therefore Village Authorities and church leaders are invited so that they can give awareness to the people and influence people to get vaccinated.
Dr Sunil Kamei, DIO Tamenglong & Noney, explained how COVID-19 was name in the pandemic by WHO. He gave a detailed information on the creation of vaccines and how vaccines worked on human body. He said vaccine are made safe in human body, more over there are multiple benefits for the body. He also spoke on the symptoms of COVID-19. He also cautioned on how to take care of people infected with the virus.
Church leaders, Village Authority members and public leaders also shared their view on vaccination and encouraged the hard work being carried out by Health Workers.
Dr Gracy Majachungliu CMO Tamenglong, clarified on the doubts about vaccination and urged people to get inoculate at the earliest so that people can be free from all the hardships, expressed the hardships in dealing with the pandemic as well.
DC Tamenglong, Worshang Hungyo IAS, said he respects freedom of choice and vaccination is a choice but at the same time, encouraged vaccination for good reasons. He cited various disadvantages of situations brought by COVID-19 even if one is not infected. This he said included, smart phone addiction among students, lose of characters among youngster and more. Stressing on election related activities going on in the community, he mentioned that it’s high time to take maximum precautions. Encouraged free and fair election, Worshang Hungyo IAS also encouraged people to aim for maximum vaccination in the community so that everyone can celebrate Christmas.