Tamenglong’s new Rani Gaidinliu Women’s Market opens today with 238 registered Vendors

In pursuance of the notice given by Tamenglong District Administration on 8th December 2020 to shift existing old market, picking of lots was conducted to allocate seats for the vendors in the new market.

According to the official source, the lot was picked by two girls, aged 4 and 6 respectively on behalf of the vendors. As a result of the lot picking, altogether 238 applicants seats were allotted in the new Rani Gaidinliu Women’s Market.

Announcing the opening of market shed at Rani Gaidinliu Women’s Market from Wednesday onwards, District Administration also notified unregistered vendors to open only during 5:00 Am – 9:00 AM, with seats to be allotted on first come first serve basis.

The 238 registered vendors will start occupying the seats by 9:15 AM onwards, the notice said.

The event was blessed by Pastor Guigopou Gonmei of Emanuel Baptist Church. After the lot picking and allotment, the old market shed was closed by the District Administration, Tamenglong.

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