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UkhrulGet the Latest and Breaking News, and Special Reports from Ukhrul. Find the latest news from Ukhrul today along with Ukhrul Photos and Videos at
UkhrulGet the Latest and Breaking News, and Special Reports from Ukhrul. Find the latest news from Ukhrul today along with Ukhrul Photos and Videos at
A two day Career Awareness programme will be organized for class X, XI & XII School students in Ukhrul town on March 30-31, 2021 at Town Hall, under the theme – ‘Right decision today breed bright future.
The programme is going to be organised by Tangkhul Katamnao Saklong (TKS), DYouth and Ikra Foundation with The Sam, The Boba Cafe, Shimm’s Cafe, Dr Wisdom’s Dental Home, Gracias Restaurant, Pāngsin, Thing’s Florist, Shatsang real estate as event partners.
The primary objectives of the event, the organisers said is to:
Revive the morale of the students and create enthusiasm to seek successful careers.
Ensure students are well prepared to make informed choices concerning their education and career.
Empower students with information to look at more possibilities based on- talents, skills, and passion.
Motivate demotivated students who are considering not pursuing further education or training due to a lack of belief in their potential.
Inform the reality that would await them in the choices they make, both the glamour and the challenges. Including the practical steps, they can take towards their goal.