UDSA Announces Dates for Shirui Lily Cup 2021

UT DeskUkhrulSportsEvent3 years ago

Photo: Aya Shimray/Trophy of Faith Trust Football Tournament.

The Ukhrul District Sports Association (UDSA) in an official notification has announced November 22 till December 4 as the tentative dates to kick off Shirui Lily Cup 2021. The football tournament will carry winner prize of Rs. 1,75,000, runners up Rs. 1,25,000 and will consist of 10 teams.

UDSA stated, out of the 10 teams, 2 teams will be selected from outside the state and 2 teams from Ukhrul district and the remaining 6 teams on invitation by the organiser.

It also notified that all participating players including coaches and team management should provide Covid-19 vaccination certificates, including instructions for spectators to produce Covid-19 vaccination certificates as a must have.

UDSA wil organise on spot Covid-19 test in colloboration with the concerned authority, it added.

The Shirui Lily Cup is one of the oldest football tournaments hosted each year in winter.

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