Amid increasing spate of Covid positive trends in Manipur, the scenario of hill district Ukhrul shows no drop in daily cases for the past couple of days despite spearheads mass vaccination drive and contact tracing spree in the district.
The district detected 12 Covid positive cases on Thursday. They are two (2) from district hospital screening centre; district hospital 7 (RAT -5) and TRUNET -2, Contact tracing Seipet tang 2, and contact tracing Naga gate 1, according to DSO Ukhrul.
Cumulative positive stands at 915 of which 543 are male and 372 are female. While cumulative death spiked to 24.
Six patients were discharged today taking the total active tally from 86 to 98 today.
Manipur reported 1,000 positive case and 11 deaths today, according to IDSP.
Out of the total 98 active case, 29 patients are at district hospital isolation ward, 56 at transit covid care centre, two at Lambui CHIC, and 11 at Ukhrul higher secondary school CHIC.
On the other hand, Kamjong reported one Covid-19 positive case taking the total active to 69. While its cumulative stands at 559.
Ukhrul reported 23 Covid-19 positive on Wednesday.