Circulation of violence inciting videos, images on social media banned

File Photo: House of Ch. Aimson Moyon of Karaopokpi village was totally burnt down.

Imphal: Government of Manipur has reiterated that nobody shall be allowed to circulate or spread videos, images and pictures depicting violent activities like causing/inflicting harm/ injury to body and/or damage, to public/private property etc through various social media platforms such as WhatsApp, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter etc and on electronic equipments like tablet, computer, mobile phone etc. and sending bulk SMS likely to facilitate and/or to mobilize mobs of agitators and demonstrators, which may aggravate the law and order situation in the state. Commissioner (Home), govt of Manipur T Ranjit Singh issued a public notification dated October 11 to this effect by the orders and in name of Manipur governor.

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Anyone found violating the above instructions/orders shall be booked and prosecuted under relevant provision of the law of the land for the time being in force without any exception. Anyone misusing technology for inciting violence/ hatred shall also be dealt with appropriately under relevant provisions of Information Technology Act & Rules and IPC. In case, anybody is in possession of such videos/ images/ pictures, he/she may approach the nearest Superintendent of Police irrespective of jurisdiction and submit the same for taking appropriate legal action.

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General public is also advised to beware of such persons and activities and report to the Superintendents of Police of their districts about any such information that they may have, as per the notification.

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