A team of Election Commission of India led by Chief Election Commissioner (CEC) of India, Sushil Chandra arrived in Imphal today on a two-day visit. The CEC was accompanied by Election Commissioners Rajiv Kumar, Anup Chandra Pandey and senior officials of the Election Commission of India.
The Election Commission’s team led by the Chief Election Commissioner is on a visit to the state for reviewing the poll preparedness for the election to 12th Manipur Legislative Assembly, 2022 scheduled to go on polls in two phases on February 27 and March 3, 2022.
The Chief Electoral Officer of Manipur, Rajesh Agrawal accorded a warm welcome to the Chief Election Commissioner and his team, at their arrival in the state, at Imphal International Airport.
Also read: ATSUM: EC’s deaf-ear to rescheduling poll day on Sunday condemnable
On the first day of the visit, the Chief Election Commissioner and his team interacted with the representatives of national and state recognised political parties, District Election Officers (DEOs) and Superintendents of Police (SPs) at Hotel Classic Grande, Chingmeirong. The interaction was followed by a presentation from the CEO and SPNO.
Sushil Chandra also launched the C-VIGIL TVC, an awareness video in local language on C-VIGIL to deter electors/candidates/agents from inducements; Video on PwD electors’ Participation – a video specially crafted for PwD electors in accessible format, including voice over, sign language & written messages, to participate in the Electoral Process and a booklet titled “No Voter to be left behind” on activities taken up in collaboration with Handicapped Development Foundation (HDF) in all Districts of Manipur. The CEC also launched the KYC- Know Your Candidate App, explainer video in Manipuri language.
During the official stay, the CEC of India will further hold various meetings with the high ranking officials of the state and will address the media personnel.
Also read: Election Commission team to visit Manipur on February 7