Fake account Ninja, a.k.a. MB Muivah caught

UT DeskNewsHeadlines4 years ago

In Photo: Nisha Jindal in police custody for spreading communal hatred with fake Facebook account (Representational Image)

The real Benjamin Mungkung, from Makan Village under kasom khullen sub-division, Kamjong District, Manipur tendered a public apology for using Fake Account on Facebook under the guise of MB Muivah handle.

The apology and clarification letter said, that he, Benjamin Mungkung used the fake account to access various Facebook groups such as Naga Mirror, Naga Page, Blessed Nagalim for Christ, Naga by Blood, Save Tangkhul, Tangkhul 360°, which are predominantly Naga community groups.

On the letter, the culprit clarified that he is not related to the Muivah clan by blood or by family relations. The letter said, “on August 16, 2020 I used some derogatory terms to some of my Naga brother in the above mentioned Facebook groups while chatting with them, with this fake account MB Muivah I created, hurting the sentiment of Naga people in general and Muivah clan in particular”.

The letter appealed for forgiveness for his mischief in the name of Lord Jesus.

This letter comes as a warning and a constant reminder to Fake Account holders, the other kind of Ninja warriors on social media that they are not always invisible and undiscoverable.

IMG 5415 1
The self declared purported apology/clarification letter

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