Lucid Dreamer

As the earth swallows each bones freeing its enchanted soul to a still world;

It may seem to you that solitude is your only convoy to keep you from life turn.

It may seem to you that anger has slipped a ring into your finger of distraught.

It may seem to you that sorrow has encroached upon the chambers of your heart.

But, are you really lonely?

Are you really angry?

Are you really dreary?


Tell me, love,

Have you ever allowed yourself to feel, to touch,

to see yourself with all your sane senses?

If you haven’t, you should!

Yes! Breathe. in. out. Slowly!

Even if you have, never stop!


Let your bare feet dance along with the gentle tears of grass.

Let your lips grace the grieving souls with tidings of solace.

Let your skin meet the glorious arrival of the wind.

Let your brows welcome the imperial light of the sun.

Let your delicate fingers dally along with leaves and petals.

Let your ears drink to Mozart and find chords to the symphony of birds.

Let your eyes mate to the ritual of the earth and the pouring rain.

Let the fragrance of the heat and the moist of the season drive you sane.


A liberation as wild and calm like the rocks. of volcanoes. of hurricane.

of draught, of flood, of war and peace, and of the four seasons.


May your soul be a muse to your benevolent spirit each night as the moon shines hope upon you.

Engage! Because, look! No matter how lonely the moon may seem to be in the dark, it is never alone!

Joyce Paveine is a research scholar in the Department of English and Cultural Studies, Manipur University. She loves flaneuring and writing.

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