Imphal: In a late-night parliamentary session, Dr Angomcha Bimol Akoijam, the newly elected MP from Inner Manipur Parliamentary Constituency delivered an impassioned speech condemning the Union government’s silence on the ongoing crisis in Manipur. Speaking during the motion of thanks in his maiden address, Dr. Akoijam criticized Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s silence for not addressing the situation despite the escalating violence and suffering in the state. He further criticized the BJP’s policies and questioned the absence of any meaningful intervention to protect the state’s year long crisis and the suffering of its people.
The Manipur Congress MP highlighted the irony of discussing such a critical issue as midnight approached, emphasizing that in Manipur and Northeast, the time is two hours ahead of Delhi. He said, “we have been dancing on the tune of Delhi”, adding that people like Jahnu Barua demanded for years that Northeast should have a different time zone. Only then, the MP said, “you’ll be able to live with dignity and well-being.” He also mentioned the contributions of the people of Manipur in defending and bringing laurels to the country.
“I must ask this question to the house. Is this silence communicating to the people of the Northeast and Manipur in particular that you don’t matter in the Indian scheme of things?” the Manipur MP asked.
Addressing the severity of the crisis, MP Dr A Bimol Akoijam pointed out that Manipur is one of the most militarized areas in the country, with a higher presence of armed forces than civil police. Despite this, over 60,000 people have been rendered homeless, thousands of houses have been destroyed, and more than 200 lives have been lost.
“It is one of the most militarized areas in the country where armed police outnumber civil police, besides the armed forces of the Union. Despite this, how were more than 60,000 people rendered homeless and thousands of houses destroyed? And yet our Prime Minister remains silent… If you have an iota of concern for the state, there would not have been silence in this House nor in the Presidential address,” said MP Dr A Bimol Akoijam.
He questioned the Union government’s inability to protect the lives and properties of Manipur’s residents despite the heavy deployment of central armed forces. He urged the central leadership to break their silence and take decisive action to resolve the crisis and alleviate the suffering of the people of Manipur.
The Manipur MP’s speech echoed the anguish and pain of those affected in the ethnic violence, urging the Union government to acknowledge and address the crisis. He criticized the silence of central leaders as a continuation of colonial attitudes in a post-colonial era, reflecting a lack of genuine concern for the Northeast region, particularly Manipur in the ongoing crisis. He said, “…it is a reflection of the continuity of the colonial in the post-colonial… Keep your hands on your hearts and think about the 60,000 people languishing in relief camps and those mothers and widows. Think of them and then you talk about nationalism.”
“The kind of priority given to Manipur is reminiscent of a colonial mindset in a post-colonial era. More than 60,000 people are homeless, and 200 lives have been lost. This is not a joke. Yet, our Prime Minister remains silent, and the President did not mention Manipur in her joint address,” said MP Dr A Bimol Akoijam.
“Can you negate the fact that we are talking about the inclusion of Northeast history after 75 years of Independence? That’s a classic exclusion,” added the Manipur Congress MP.
Dr. Bimol’s concluded by expressing his anguish: “If you hear anxiety, anguish, and pain in my voice, please go back and see those 60,000 people languishing in the relief camps. Don’t talk about the Partition Remembrance until you’ve been there.” I will keep quiet the moment the Prime Minister opens his mouth and the nationalist party says that Manipur is part of India and we care for the people of that state. Only then will I accept what is nationalism.”
“I will keep quiet the moment Prime Minister opens his mouth and the nationalist party says that Manipur is part of India, and say that we care about the people of that state [Manipur]. Only then I will accept what is nationalism in our face,” MP Dr A Bimol Akoijam ended his speech thanking the Chairman.
The house adjourned right after MP Dr Angomcha Bimol Akoijam’s speech until July 2, 11 AM.