THE RESPONSE of Naga Hoho to Working Committee, Naga National Political Groups statement has all the markings of a handler from the beginning to the last sentence and so a small clarification to Naga Hoho is prudent.
The founders of Naga Hoho had great vision for the Naga people but the present team has dragged it to further irrelevance. Originally, the desire was for all Naga tribes, within and beyond present Nagaland, to have an all inclusive, boundaryless Naga body to maintain Naga political, historical and cultural unity, maintaining one identity. Sadly few people are using the Naga Hoho for their own benefit.
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When it comes to legitimacy, the Present Naga Hoho do not have it one bit since it became an extension of a particular faction. It lost all credibility due to which ENPO walked out. NTC and CNTC followed suit. NH was, in its early years, like an imposing beast which roared and defended all creatures in the land. It is long dead and only the carcass remain! The story of Naga Hoho began from tribes of Nagaland and when all seventeen withdrew from it, Naga Hoho serves no purpose save few members for their livelihood.
The Framework Agreement was signed by GoI Interlocutor Mr. R.N Ravi with IM leaders. Two years later the same GoI interlocutor signed AGREED POSITION with WC, NNPGs on 17th November 2017. When two political documents were signed with Naga entities by the very same interlocutor, NH worshiping the first and questioning the legitimacy of the second is a grim reminder of how the NH has sold its soul. It says a lot about the intellectual deficiency of the present lot.
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Concerning Naga right to self-determination, Naga people have never really been assured of a more politically compact and powerful document with GoI since India’s Independence like the AGREED POSITION. It says, “…GoI recognises the political and historical rights of the Naga to self-determine their future in consonance with their distinct identity…” WC, NNPGs would ask the Naga Hoho why and how AGREED POSITION is not a legitimate political documents. The contents of any signed political document and it’s implementation speaks for a nation, not a number of news reporters running around at the event.
Why did the signatories not implement the FA which clearly says talks successfully concluded and two sides understood each other. IM leaders acknowledged it had understood the intricacies of the Indian system. “GoI and the NSCN, respecting the peoples wishes for sharing of the sovereign powers as defined in the competencies”. What are the competencies and where are they? NH may explain the competencies to the Naga people. What is ‘intricacies of the Indian system’? Indian Constitution!
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WC, NNPGs and GoI signed AGREED POSITION two years after FA. Two years is a long time to set any agreement into motion. Blaming Mr A,B or C is useless. Apparently, somebody somehow fasttracked the issue of the Naga people without taking the people on board. GoI understood the mistake of going live on TV without the knowledge of the genuine stakeholders. The honorable Indian Prime Minister, Mr. Narendra Modi deputed the same Interlocutor to negotiate with a Naga entity which had for long partnered the apex Naga civil societies on the ground. WC, NNPGs did not indulge in metaphysical and stratospherical political arguments. The cardinal political mistake had fooled cost the Naga people a quarter century. WC did not seek news headline. It quietly consulted all Naga tribes, Village headmen, Apex Civil societies, intellectuals, past and current legislators to formulate a just and honorable political solution. Neighbouring communities too were taken into confidence for better understanding. It appears NH members were counting TV channels, extra bulbs and flashing cameras on 3rd August 2015 to legitimise FA. Did anyone explain to Naga Hoho the speech of the honorable Indian Prime Minister Mr. Narendra Modi that evening? He welcomed IM into the national mainstream!
(As published by Media Cell, WC, NNPGs on February 2, 2024)
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